Saturday, 08 February 2025

Got news for us?

Have you got news/articles for us? We welcome news stories and articles from security experts, intelligence analysts, industry players, security correspondents in the main stream media and our numerous readers across the globe.

Are you a soldier currently fighting war in any part of the world? Then, why not share your daily experience and diaries with our readers?

Got News BannerAnd to all security experts, security advisers, managing directors/chief executive officers of security companies/institutions, intelligence experts, service chiefs, security chiefs, ministers in charge of security in their various countries, secretaries of state, UN Security Council Chiefs, Heads of Governments/ex-Heads of Governments, diplomats and international civil servants with responsibilities for security in and around the world, etc, we invite you to be our Guest Columnists. Alongside your articles, we would like you to send us your bio data and a passport sized photograph.

Readers should please feel free to recommend an interview personality to us.

At this juncture, we would like to inform our prospective contributors, Guest Columnists, those who would like to be our Correspondents all over the world and our esteemed readers that we are not able to pay you at this time.

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Got news for Vigilance?

Have you got news/articles for us? We welcome news stories and articles from security experts, intelligence analysts, industry players, security correspondents in the main stream media and our numerous readers across the globe.


About Vigilance

Vigilance is the brain child of a group of veteran journalists and international scholars who have worked in the mainstream media and distinguished themselves nationally and internationally before veering into security practice.

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