World leaders sleepeth as under-aged CHRISTIAN KIDS in Nigeria of both sexes are left to bleed on their own Jericho Road, courtesy of paedophilic emirs and muslim clerics who violate their youth, forcefully destroying their very fragile biological organs to satisfy their sexual conscupiscence and threatening them against their wish to get converted to Islam or be killed. Not only these, as the Nigerian Government under Mr Muhammadu Buhari tacitly gives its support to these bestial orgies, parents of the victims have been left on their own with threats of death, if they dare ask for their under-aged kids who have been held captive in the caves of the medieval despots and demi-gods. And the so-called Nigeria's Inspector-General of Police who often gives Nigerians the strong impression that his allegiance is to the EMIRS AND THE SHARIA COMMISSION and NOT the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, in the way and manner he and his team carry out policing activities in Nigeria - always sheepishly doing the biddings of these clan heads, is just a mere DOGARI (palace courtier) being marionetted and pupetted by these deluded gods living in medieval caves and the so-called Sharia Commission, which totally disregards the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, seeing itself as the ULTIMATE LAW MAKING BODY, North and South of Nigeria. World leaders must know that paedophiles in turbans whose dwelling places are in the medieval caves all over Northern Nigeria, burning with out-of -this-world-sexual lust are targeting under-aged CHRISTIAN girls and boys in Nigeria as part of their dream to islamise the country and entrench Islam under the watchful eyes of Muhammadu Buhari who has been cooperating passively with these heartless paedophiles. Isn't it about time a world body be constituted in order to arrest these wild donkeys of the desert and teach them how to live in a human community? Over to you, Pope Francis, Ban Ki-moon, Gordon Brown, Michelle Obama and Angela Merkel!
Mr Sanusi Lampaedo, clan head of a village called Kano in Nigeria, said to be thorougly arrogant and ABOVE THE LAW of his country; it is said when in his regular fits of delusions of grandeur, he does think himself as a universal potentate, and sometimes as the KING OF THE WORLD (KOW), who can always get away with anything he does, no matter how lawless and bizzare. Will the UNICEF, Mr Gordon Brown write to this deluded maniac to explain to the world, just what Miss Ese Oruru, the under-aged Christian girl was doing in his medieval cave for eight months, only to be returned to her parents after global condemnation in an altered biological state? Over to you UN, UNICEF, Save the Children, Gordon Brown, Michelle Obama, global celebrities and all the leaders of the civilised world!
Now that the world has known that emirs in Northern Nigeria are the real paedophiles in turban, molesting and enslaving under-aged CHRISTIAN GIRLS in Nigeria, forcefully converting them to Islam and like the medieval despots, deflowering them before their time, whilst they send their own children to very expensive schools abroad, preaching to the children of the Talakawas that WESTERN EDUCATION is sin as they put MIND-ALTERING DRUGS (MADs) in foods specifically prepared for their under-aged CAPTIVE CHRISTIAN GIRLS AND BOYS, isn't it about time, the UNICEF, SAVE THE CHILDREN, and the entire UNITED NATIONS as a global body ask a few questions from the President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, what he knows about all these paedophilic activities as being carried out by his kins people against the under-aged CHRISTIAN BOYS AND GIRLS before his very eyes, whilst the leadership of the CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA as led by that world's most worldly man in MY FATHER'S HOUSE, Ayo OritseJETfor and his totally useless CAN daily sing: ONWARD, CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS, MARCHING AS TO SLUMBER....look the other way and afraid to speak out because of being probed by the country's bloody tyrant, MUHAMMADU BUHARI, as they had compromised the MOST HOLY FAITH by their association and unparalleled romance with the immediate past Government led by the GOOD-FOR-NOTHING Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. But can Oby tell the world if the Chibok girls had a stop over in EMIRS' PALACES during their capture?
The Christian girl, Ese Oruru abducted, forcefully converted to Islam and imprisoned in the cave for the sexual pleasure of a clan despot in Kano, Nigeria. In Nigeria, to be above the law, you have to just begin to dignify yourself as a Sharia tyrant and align yourself with the Sharia Commission under the very watch of the world's renowned Islamist MUHAMMADU BUHARI, and the Chief Dogari (Head of the palace courtiers), Solomon Arase will look the other way! Whilst under-aged persons like Miss Oruru are having their youth despised, violated and abandoned by society, having been made to lose their childhood, world leaders like Pope Francis, Barack Obama, Ban Ki-moon, Prince Charles, Gordon Brown, Michelle Obama, David Cameron, Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande, Justin Welby and world celebrities are looking the other way, because the lives of the Eses of Nigeria don't matter to them! What a shame!
The Hague: UK-based peacebuilding organisation International Alert, UNICEF Netherlands and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs came together during the International Women's Day to show solidarity with the women and girls kidnapped by Nigeria’s insurgency group Boko Haram.
Together with local students, representatives from the organisations they staged a protest march in The Hague, Netherlands and launched the campaign #FutureforOurGirls – urging more support for the women and girls released from captivity.
Thousands of women and children have been abducted by Boko Haram – including the 276 schoolgirls in Chibok area two years ago. Many remain in captivity, but some are beginning to return. However, according to a study by International Alert and UNICEF, women and girls that do return often face stigma in their own communities and struggle to re-integrate.
Moreover, the children of these survivors, whose fathers are believed to be Boko Haram fighters, are perceived with acute suspicion and are rejected.
Harriet Lamb, CEO of International Alert said: “Women and girls who survive Boko Haram need our support. And so do the communities where they return, to help them overcome their fears and mistrust, support the women in rebuilding their lives and accept their children. As many faith leaders in Nigeria say, it’s only through compassion and forgiveness that the scars of conflict can start to heal.”
Minister Ploumen said: "It is important that we do not forget about the thousands of women and girls that have been abducted by Boko Haram. Two years ago we started the campaign to free our girls. Thankfully by now many women and girls have managed to escape or have been liberated by the army. Good news, one would say. Tragically, this is not the case. Upon return they are not accepted by their families, their communities distrust them and are afraid they are 'infected.'
#FutureForOurGirls aims to build on this campaign and support the liberated women and girls.
Florence Ozor, one of the initiators of the #BringBackOurGirls campaign attended as a special guest.
The Dutch Government pledged financial support for organisations working on these issues, and is the fifth humanitarian donor for Nigeria. In addition, financial resources have been allocated towards organisations such as International Alert and UNICEF.
Jan Bouke Wijbrandi, director of UNICEF Netherlands, said: “The violence against girls and women in Nigeria is a severe violation of their rights. This must stop. UNICEF is doing all we can to help the victims recover by supporting them in their return to their families and communities, providing psychosocial support and medical care. We also help the girls resume their education as soon as possible.”