Scorpion's and Vigilance's inputs to the deliberations at the two-day Economic Retreat to be held at THE VILLA in Abuja, Nigeria to be presided over by the Chairman of the National Economic Council, His Excellency, PROFESSOR OLULEKE OSINBAJO, Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria between the 21 & 22nd March, 2016.
"Knowledge is knowing or knowing where to find it." - Alvin Toffler.
1. Change the Naira immediately to get all mallamnomists in the Black Market out of business;
2. Redenominate the Naira immediately with the highest denomination now to be N50xx instead of N5, 000xx;
3. Introduce coins once more into the economy and make refusal illegal with a jail term of 7 years;
4. Nigerians and not the court should reject the dollar as a legal tender in domestic trade;
5. Outlaw the black market with prison terms between 14 and 21 years;
6. I'm calling on the President again to declare a state of emergency on the economy sector;
7. There should be salary harmonization - all citizens in all sectors starting from: ENTRY LEVEL, MID LEVEL AND SENIOR LEVEL - every person working in whatever sector be it oil, bank, INGOs must be on the same salary scales as above;
8. ALL, including expatriates MUST henceforth receive their salaries in Naira;
9. (a) Adopt the 3Cs, 3Ds and 3Gs (Cut! Cut! Cut! Diversify! Diversify! Diversify! Grow! Grow! Grow!). The President to sell off all jets in his Presidential Fleet and use commercial planes or leave himself with just a jet, but my opinion is that in times of this National Economic Emergency (NEE), he should step forward and lead by example and travel on commercial planes.
9. (b) Make the GOOD OLD PEOGEOT 504 the national and official car for all elected and appointed political officials, civil servants including the private sector in order to cut cost, re-orientate the thinking and psyche of Nigerians, also aimed at promoting BUY MADE IN NIGERIA, a campaign we launched here in the United Kindom whilst President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan was still in power ( aign).
10. New population policy that is in tandem with the current reality MUST be formulated immediately - indiscriminate breeding is fueling crimes of unprecedented proportion amongst teenagers and other youngsters in their 20s.
11. (a) Be creative, immaginative, grow the economy, embark on expanded and strategic taxation - P.A.Y. E, raise tax, corporate taxation including VAT, but salaries are not being paid and industries are folding up, so how justified?
(b) Adopt a national taxation policy with a slogan: ANY ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN AN ECONOMIC SPACE is taxable, making all economic activities, no matter how small taxable/rateable - a pepper grinder must pay tax, a palm wine tapper must pay tax, a pap seller must pay tax, an ankara seller must pay tax, a shoe shiner must pay tax, akara seller must pay tax, a kerosine seller must pay tax, newspaper vendors must pay tax, etc, etc.
12. As part of national sacrifice aimed at NATIONAL RECOVERY, the President, Vice President, Senate President, Chairman, House of Representatives, Governors and other high ranking public officers, both elected and appointed are called upon to give up their salaries and start living austere life style, cutting down their convoys as I had recommended earlier.
13. Adopt what I call NEIGHBOURHOODISM or reformed capitalism.
14. Introduce franchising into the economy.
15. Set up the National Economic Forum (NEF) which will meet bi-monthly to critically review governance and governmental activities/projects/utterances by the Presidency/ministry by ministry and sector by sector, make recommendations to the Vice President, present EXECUTIVE SUMMARY to the President without fear or favour about their honest and genuine views on all of the above, amongst others. This is not about Federal Character, but ONLY the very BEST the country has to offer can be called upon to serve on the NEF and the number must not exceed seven.
16. The current war on corruption is highly restrictive as it emphasizes only OFFICIAL CORRUPTION, which by our reckoning is just 0.03% of the total corruption index in Nigeria. What is more, it appears to us to be highly selective too, and gives the world the impression it's a mere revenge probe meant to silence perceived or actual political and cultural foes. At the root of the various aspects of corruption in Nigeria, are the prevailing values Nigerians currently promote and emphasize - power and the culture of acquisitiveness as evidenced in the malady of WEALTH WITHOUT SWEATING (WWS).
17. THE PROBELEM WITH THE WURUWURU BUDGET is not padding as the practice is as old as the country itself. I have had something as extra in draft having faulted its anomalies soon as the President had presented it last year in our special report on Nigeria under the heading: THE IDIOT'S GUIDE TO BUHARI'S IDIOTIC BUDGET and not long after our analysis published on Vigilance Christine Lagarde, the Managing Director of the INTERNATIONAL MEDDLING FORCE (IMF) was in Nigeria to teach sovereign Nigeria how to do budget based on Western prescriptions which often are not in tandem with the prevailing home/indigenous/African realities.
The fundamental inherent problem of that budget is that it was principally predicated on $38xx at a time when the price of oil per barrel was $39xx. This was an unforgivable wrong forecast and in a sane society, this alone should make both the Finance, and Budget and Planning Ministers resign honourably instead of shamelessly hanging on!
Also, the 2016 budget was based on wrong assumptions, hypotheses, projections and passive economic activities/projects/wrong forecastings coupled with its shameless and embarrassing encouragement and promotion of unparalleled OWAMBEVAGANCE and AWUFF and in just three words, how did the budget hope to achieve these unwarranted frivolities?
The Truth of the Matter
I have personally been involved in finding a lasting solution to the incessant clashes resulting in avoidable killings between and amongst the indigenous herdsmen - the BOROROS OF NIGERIA and their farmer compatriots in the last 24 years and those conversant with all my investigations, PRESIDENT MUHAMMADU BUHARI himself would attest to the fact that the result of all these endeavours of mine led to the formation of THE PASTORAL RESOLVE (PARE), a pastoralist NGO founded and funded by my late boss and great mentor, MR ROMEO V. BARBEROPOULOS, founder of the Nigerian Foundries Limited, arguably the biggest of its kind in Africa. Since I have already been running a series under our PASTORAL JIHADISM and because a major work is being prepared and I had been in talks with an aide of His Excellency, Dr Samuel Ortom, Governor of Benue State, I would in sum say that PARE aimed at ECONOMIC PASTORALISM eventuated in INTENSIVE LIVESTOCK FARMING, encouraging indigenous herdsmen to begin to consider sedentary lifestyle different to NOMADISM.
But after 16 years, as I'm weeping very profusely in discussing this very matter which from my own little corner I had hoped to end it these past 24 years, but like the evil cancer it has refused to go because of vested political, cultural and jihadi interests - it appears to me apart from the current vision of pastoral jihadism nationwide, some people from amongst us, the President, emirs and our other compatriots of the Fulani ethnic nationality, in particular, merely want to keep an outdated culture/tradition of NOMADISM.
The International community already knows what is happening in the Middle Belt, particularly at AGATU, LOGO AND TARKA in Benue State is not just pastoral jihadism targeting the Christian Community on both sides of the Belt (BENUE/PLATEAU) just like the raging war in BAY (Borno, Adamawa and Yobe), but both are REVENGE KILLINGS AND ETHNIC CLEANSING leading to the forceful seizure of land from the indigenous BENUEANS as happened during the 7th Century jihad in North Africa when the dark-skinned Africans had their land taken from them by the then Arab terrorists, using all the methods ISIS, Boko Haram, Al-Shaabab, Alqaeda and other such monstrous islamist sects are using today to wipe out the Yezidis of this world from the surface of the earth - and in some cases, had their population diluted as in West Central Nigeria, now part of the Middle Belt, which I'd like to refer to as AXIS OF VIOLENCE/JIHAD.
But Mr President, do you ever care for ONE OF THE LEAST OF THESE (OOTLOT)? Lest I forget, President Muhammadu Buhari, WHATEVER HAPPENED TO PARE? Excellencies, as you all deliberate today for the good of our commonwealth, I dare challenge ye all severally that ye are no true Nigerians, if ye fail to whisper these words to the ears of Mr President and the words are: MR PRESIDENT, WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE PASTORAL RESOLVE?
Below are the inherent problems in the GRAZING ENVIRONMENT in this wise - NIGERIA - to which I had drawn the attention of the nation and the international community in the last 24 years, some of such investigations had been recognised with national honours, international commendations, awards and acclaim:
⦁ The geographical zone called NORTHERN NIGERIA is by nature arid, hence prone to desertification, dust bowls, dessiciation of the river systems, etc;
⦁ The Yakubu Gowon's policy of greening the North to place it above the South agriculturally led to the construction of mega dams and massive irrigation projects such as Tiga and Challawa Gorge dams in the present Kano State on the head waters of Hadejia River which hitherto fed the Yobe River, thereby turning the North into a DUST BOWL! Consequently, this stupidity had in turn led to the drying up of the HADEJIA/NGURU wetlands, the two MOST important wetlands in Nigeria. In the past, the two wetlands had played host to migratory and indigenous birds. What is more, the absence of flooding in the plain has crippled agricultural activities amongst the down stream people of Jigawa, Yobe and Borno States of Nigeria, up to the Republic of Niger.
⦁ The gazetted grazing lands, cattle tracks/routes by the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Government and the Northern Nigeria Regional Authrity had been sold by the powers that be including the the emirs, district heads, Generals, top ranking civil servants in the States ministries of Agricultures and Federal, etc, to the highest bidders, their relations and cronies - the very people or descendants of the very people who of course, own the cattle being taken by former almajiris to graze grass in and around the country;
⦁ Natural forests/bushes were cleared to establish shelter belts which do not encourage the growth of grass underneath it as natural forest/s ordinarily do/es;
⦁ Over grazing;
⦁ Over population on both halves of Nigeria;
⦁ Expansion of agricultural activities on both halves of the country;
⦁ Invasion of foreign herdsmen from neighbouring Chad and Niger to graze on Nigerian soil unchecked and without their animals being quarantined and innoculated, leading to the deaths of many indigenous animals;
⦁ Unprecedented droughts leading to untold deaths of animals, plants, trees and desiccation of the river systems;
⦁ Deforestaion;
⦁ The receded water table;
⦁ Blockage of the Yobe tributaries by an avalanche of sediments which prevent flooding of the fadamas;
⦁ Intractable rate of evaporation;
⦁ Also, the multi-million naira South Chad Irrigation Project (SCIP) just like the Hadejia Valley Irrigation Project (HVIP) had caused a lot of damage to the ecology of Kirennawe and neighbouring villages.
All these factors have led to the stoppage of seasonal migration by the herdsmen who now seek permanent pasture and homes in every nook and cranny of the country today and these have altered subsistence nomadic-pastoralism permanently in Nigeria. Those herdsmen who couldn't cope have abandoned pastoral life and are now settled in cities selling suya, tea, ireke, goro, cigarette, mai-guard, etc, and some of them had migrated to Cameroon, Gabon, Benin, Central African Republic, etc, where conditions are favourable!
PARE Seeks N 5 billion to Establish Grazing Reserves in Northern Nigeria
By Afolabi Ogunde on June 7, 2012, Nigeria Business News
"Pastoral Resolve (PARE), a non-governmental organization focused on solving the perennial conflict between farmers and pastoralists occasioned by poor access to land and water, is looking to raise N 5 billion in order to establish six grazing centers in the Northern part of the country.
The President of PARE Alhaji Ahmed Joda said the pilot states would be Adamawa, Bauchi, Benue, Kogi, Nassarawa and Niger States. He explained that population explosion and desert encroachment had led to scarce availability of pastoral lands in the North causing nomadic herdsmen to move southwards in the search of land and water for their livestock. This southern movement often leads to ethnic conflict based on economic hardship.
Alhaji Joda said governments lack of will to enforce grazing laws only compounded the problem further.
“These problems have their genesis in the fact that grazing laws are deliberately ignored, thereby encouraging encroachment of gazetted grazing reserves.
“Lack of political will and total neglect of the livestock sub-sector by the various governments has resulted in massive encroachment into both gazetted, proposed grazing reserves and blockage of stock routes in the country.
‘’The policy and legal vacuum serve to exacerbate the conflict between pastoralists and crop producers, a situation that continues to escalate over much of the northern and the middle-belt states of the country.”
Joda said the tension between farmers and herdsmen constituted a threat to peace and national security.
“I can see no peace, if we don’t solve this problem. As important as oil and the manufacturing sectors are, the livestock industry provides nutrition and jobs, among other economic benefits.
“At the rate we are going, there will be no grazing land and this might result to a war along ethnic and religious lines.
“If we have peace and stability, we do not need security checks which drains the national economy, if we can develop the livestock industry and eliminate tension associated with it,’’ he said.
According to PARE the livestock industry has the potential to generate $20 billion but currently generates only $ 1.5 billion."
Answer: Economic pastoralism.
⦁ The Bororos - Indigenous Bororos (herdsmen);
⦁ Foreign herdsmen from Chad and Niger - all over West Africa;
⦁ Foreign invaders (jihadists) from West Africa, North Africa and the Middle East;
⦁ Farmers;
⦁ Palaces (traditional rulers/emirs);
⦁ Political officials;
⦁ Monarchs in the South collecting royalties on grazing land from the herdsmen, etc.
I can see from far off Britain, MY OBSERVATORY that there is currently in existence a clash amongst the constitution, sharia, policing activities and the so-called Sharia Commission, such that conflict of interest not only beckons, but religious war beckons. The SUPREMACY of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria over any statute book in the country is inconstestable, but we are seeing a situation where security agencies, particularly the police being rendered impotent.
The so-called Sharia Commission and emirs MUST not be seen to be competing or be in conflict for any reason WHATSOEVER with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Therefore, security agencies must not, and must never surrender their powers and authority which are derived from the highest and the most important law book - the constitution to any deluded palace gods, who do not enjoy any special advantage over the rest of the citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. And it must be stressed that in an environment governed by law, NO CITIZEN IS ABOVE THE LAW, and if any citizen, no matter who they are commit any arrestable offence/s, they can be arrested, prosecuted and if found guilty handed appropriate sanction/s which may be fines or imprisonment.
Finally, in an environment of law, ONLY FOOLS THINK THEMSELVES TO BE ABOVE THE LAW of their country.
What really shall we do with the hapless youngsters called almajiris from whom all enemies of the nation are recruiting them to steal, kidnap, abduct, kill, maim, destroy and embark on terrorist activities? Are they indeed the cannon fodder for the Fulani and Hausa elites who having brainwashed, indoctrinated and given them mind-altering drugs (MADs) use them as READILY AVAILABLE HUMAN BOMBS (RAHBs) or READILY AVAILABLE HUMAN EXPLOSIVES (RAHEs) to carry out all the vices as above? Is the international community to take it now that the Hausa and Fulani elites who have kept these children of the talakawas down over the years see these children of God as easily expendable, hence they recruit them to do maximum violence to Christians and Southerners in various ways, while they send their own children to City, Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, Imperial?
Government should aim at teaching people how to fish and not give them fish that they will chop, clean mouth and come back again and again as their own share of the national cake. Use this money to teach people skills so they can be useful in the economy as Jesus demonstrated in so many instances - telling his prosepctive disciples to launch into the deep; his disciples to pay the temple tax by (working for the money) fishing; by his encouragement of citizens to pay tax as in GIVE UNTO CAESAR'S THE THINGS THAT ARE CAESAR'S...the man by the pool for 38 years whom he healed in order to participate in the economy of his country; the idle colt was made to become a medium of transportation by Jesus, the hither empty Upper Chamber in the hands of Jesus became an event hall for Jesus and His disciples to eat the Last Super; Peter and John getting the beggar out of the Beautiful Gate, in order for him to be economically useful, first to himself, to his family and his nation. Put on your thinking cap, Mr Vice President.
Come up with a vocational and skills acquisition scheme starting with pilot projects, using existing schools, colleges and the universities for training, rather than spending money to build VOCATIONAL ACADEMIES - don't even dare ask the often parotted question of where are we going to have manpower to train the trainers (?) as evidenced in such nonsense often mouthed out by successive governments of TRAIN THE TRAINERS.
We have always had pools of trainers in the neighbourhood mechanics, vulcanisers, plumbers, iron benders, electricians, radionics, painters, electricians, air conditioners repairers, bicycle repairers, bike repairers, blacksmiths, goldsmiths, silversmiths, coppersmiths, printers, spray painters, carpenters, clobblers, gardeners, ankara makers, beauticians,barbers, bricklayers, make-up artists, seamtresses, tailors, sculptors, petty traders, watch repairers, fridge repairers, etc, etc. The problem with us always has been the culture of looking down on people because they no go college, universities and all what not coupled with a gross lack of imagination, creativity, inventiveness and innovations, because of the culture of awuff plenty/national cake syndrome and wealth without sweating at the highest level of governance which Mr Vice President has been promoting since coming to office.
Our Professor Oluleke Osinbajo is caught between miracle sydrome (MS) and work; between action and passive waiting upon the Lord; between faith and reality; between the miracles of feeding thousands and do, do, do; work, work, work! He tends to read his Bible upside down, hence he has been getting strange meanings and interpretations.
Two ways to go about this: Send interested graduates, school leavers and the very stark illiterates to participating artisans in their shops, say 7-12 within each training period or convert the current schools sysem throughout the country to shift system, with the regular students being in schools/colleges from 8 a.m - 12:00 or 8 a.m - 13:00 and then the vocational students can go in as from 13:00-17:00 or 14:00-18:00. The third shift of students can even go in at 17:00-21:00!
All the Government has to do is to buy new equipment and not the ones picked from Western and Asian junkyards or the refurbished ones as they have been doing in case of buses and trains, where refurbished buses and trains are brought in from Brazil, Germany, China and Japan.
Alternatively, government can under this scheme just pay the local artisans the training cost per trainee - after the training, the successful candidates can be given loans to buy equipment, not in the usual awuff manner, where they will go and marry and hold parties with the money, but everything to be handled by the participating banks and assigned business mentors. Candidates must never be given money directly because they will spend it buying the latest and spend part of it to do OWAMABE! This is what is referred to as: CHOP, CLEAN MOUTH!
Some are going to deride the scheme saying the people training the trainees are not educated or well educated or can't even speak good English, with some of the trainers not being able to speak pidgin English at all. My answer to these worries are: NA BOOK WE GO CHOP? And getting Shina Peter to help me out: GRAMMAR, GRAMMAR, GRAMMAR NO BE SUCCESS!
As a matter of fact, Africans shouldn't after going to 60 years of independence be using English, French and Portuguese as their official languages. We are not English, or French or Portuguese, but AFRICANS!
President Muhammadu Buhari had boasted he would give jobs to 500,000 graduate-youths to be engaged as teachers and added that 500,000 non-graduate unemployed people would be trained as artisans, totalling one million direct jobs this year 2016. I begi, quiet O jare - how many jobs so far they done give people since June of 2015 till now, and how many jobs they done give we country people them since January 2016 till now? Na so-so promise-promise! Buhari, Osinbajo and Oga Liar, na wa for una-o-o-o-o!
What do you call a father in a polygamous home, who always favours particular children of a particular wife of his whom he loves and openly prefers her to his other numerous wives and their children and favours the children of this particular wife of his, say MAMA HAKEEM, above the rest of his wives and children? NO GOOD FATHER! BABA DAURA IS NO GOOD BABA, WALAHI, HE'S NOT GOOD! PARTIAL TOO MUCH, ALLAH!
Regarding other ethnic nationalities outside of his own Hausa-Fulani stock, Buhari has displayed unparalleled tribalism and favouritism, seeing his very own people whom he relishes referring to them always as MY PEOPLE as a super-culture, hence superior to all other enthnic nationalities and cultures within the Nigerian Federation. Hence, since coming back to power on May 29, 2015, the whole of humanity including world leaders who now do see him as a fake on the canvass of global leadership, he has been applying the cruellest and brutish dictum of MIGHT IS RIGHT in his relationship with other ethnic nationalities and faiths, especially the Christian community in Nigeria all of whom he regards as kafirs and abeeds!
In recent times, his very people have gone very wild and become very arrogant in their relationship with other Nigerians all because their son is today representing them in the Presidency, where he has surrounded himself with MY PEOPLE to the disregard of the pluralistic nature of the Nigerian Federation, hence the Fulanis, his people have been on the rampage stealing, kidnapping, killing, maiming and destroying the WRETCHED OF NIGERIA, amongsts whom are, starting from the latest: the AGATU (in David Mark's constituency), LOGO (Samuel Ortom's people) and Tarka (George Akume's people), including his well known traditional enemies, the Igbos, the Christians and all Southerners in Nigeria whom he usually treats them and their faith/s with utter disdain!
Except that it is now a glaring truth that the bunch constituting the APC-MUHAMMADU BUHARI-AREWA-LED Government at all tiers of government came to power without a plan, this sort of retreat which is no doubt a hang-over from the Political Mecca Ground (PMG) of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, brought into governance by one Pastor Oluleke Osinbajo, by my candid reckoning is outright nonsense and rubbish as it's money-guzzling, time-consuming and energy-sapping, especially at a time when the government at all levels ought to be cutting, cutting and cutting! By the way, couldn't they have held it in one of our National Parks to kindle the fire of tourism? I bet, someone outa them is not thinking.
What this government actually needs is a blueprint spelling out succinctly, its goals and a mission statement, in addition to having a regular meeting of the Federal Executive Council (FEC). Thus far, the Muhammadu Buhari Government is a government without a dream and it is about NOTHING and currently stands for NOTHING, hence it falls for anything, so collapsing very fast.
DEFINITION OF TERMS FROM ADUMANOMICS - "Economic activity", "Economic space."
⦁ An "economic activity" is whatever you do to earn a living or as a hobby which brings you internal, social satisfaction and economic rewards different to services rendered to charity or within the charity sector.
⦁ An "economic space" is wherever you carry out such an activity, be there public space/s, open spaces, religious premises, inside liveable places, etc.
Excellencies, God bless you all as you deliberate today,
May He bless our Nigeria,
And the whole of humanity too.
Please read, print, email, photocopy and pass it on!