A Diaspora Note to PDP, Other Political Parties, Civil Liberties Organisations, Churches, Mosques, NANS, Student Union Governments, ASUU, NMA, NBA, All Nigerian Professionals, Nigeria Labour Congress, Market Men and Women, Artisans, Ex-Service Men and Women and ALL NIGERIANS!
In the face of the do-nothingness of the idealess and teamless President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, that Arewa agent, Muhammadu Buhari, and against the backdrop of the current infighting and bickering amongst the nation's electimidated officers, particularly, the APC's good-for-nothing legislawlessness - legisfighters, legisboxers, legistacklers, legisgladiators, legiswrestlers, legispunchers, legisbolekaja, legisalawees, legistraitors, legisrogues, legisalariwo, legisjagun-jagun, legisthieves, etc), whilst their indolent, lying-lying and excusefull party leadkids (kid-leaders) have continued to present themselves to the nation and the world as helpless as ever, giving monkey excuses - with some of them blaming Papa and Mama Sakwe of bewitching and cursing them and their ignominious Party, I'm moved by patriotism to call on the Peoples Democratic Party and all the civil libertatrians/organizations in Nigeria to as a matter of urgency and national duty come together to inaugurate and organise what by revelation had been communicated by God through me to the people of Nigeria to be known and called the NATIONAL WAKE UP CALL DAY (NWUCD) - a day to be set aside in which all Nigerians will march to the gates of Aso Rock, the State House in Abuja, the nation's Apex Legislative Assembly, the Federal Secretariat, Abuja, States Houses, States Secretariats and States Houses of Assembly throughout the country and the Local Government Councils Secretariats and blow trumpets/vuvuzelas in unison seven times as a way of forcing elected and political officials to wake up to their responsibilities of governance and making laws including other constitutional and socio-humanitarian duties to their constituencies, LGAs, States and to the nation.
After the blowing of the trumpets seven times at the GATES/ENTRANCES of public institutions/organisations/Government Departments/Agencies, participants MUST seal/plaster their lips immediately to avoid being interviewed by the press - such muteness/silence will engender maximum impact of the exercise which is both political and spiritual.
However, interviews/talking to the press/issuing press releases about the NATIONAL WAKE UP CALL DAY can be done the following day and subsequently.
⦁ The police must be duly notified;
⦁ The gathering MUST be very well organised;
⦁ Some compatriots can volunteer to maintain order alongside security agents and help to control crowd and ensure discipline and orderliness;
⦁ No fighting and quarrelling of any kind are allowed;
⦁ People should volunteer to buy refreshments and give participants, produce placards and leaflets with the NWUCD messages on them;
⦁ No addressing of crowd/s after the trumpets blowing;
⦁ Everybody MUST leave immediately after the blowing of trumpets - no hanging about/around or loitering of any kind;
⦁ Prospective participants must phone to indicate interest to participate and be given numbers or security code names;
⦁ In order to respect the spiritual significance of the exercise, nobody must talk to the press;
⦁ Also, members of the press MUST not ask anybody/participant questions or attempt to interview them;
⦁ Participants must return home/to their workplaces or optionally, to their places of worship to pray, thank God and tell Him to make the nation's leaders to be awake to their responsibilities in their various little corners in the Nigerian Federation;
⦁ Preferred alloted time for the blowing of the trumpets - 15 minutes;
⦁ The maiden edition MUST be inaugurated before the President assembles/announces his team of ministers/political officials/appointees;
⦁ All press houses must be duly notified;
⦁ There may be thanksgiving in churches and mosques, the following week, this is optional.
How often/regular?
- Yearly,
- Quarterly,
- Every six months?
After the maiden edition the subsequent ones could include all Nigerians with specific time and date alloted to it, wherein all Nigerians can blow their trumpets at the designated time and date, wherever they are - at workplaces/offices, schools, colleges, universities, market places, churches, mosques, garages, on the roads with those driving to park and blow their trumpets seven times, all in unison and at the same time and as ONE PEOPLE!
However, the principal concern is for Nigerians to go to the seats of Governments, governmental institutions and legislative assemblies at the three-tier levels of Government to remind them of their constitutional and statutory duties to the nation.
⦁ The National Trumpeting Day (NTD)
⦁ The National Day of Silence (NDS)
⦁ The National Mute Day (NMD)
⦁ The National Day of Vigilance (NDV)
⦁ The National Watch Day (NWD)
⦁ Democracy and Good Governance Watch Day (DGGWD)
⦁ Peoples Day (PD)
⦁ Citizens Day (CD)
⦁ National Accountability and Stewardship Day (NASD)
⦁ Vanguard Day
⦁ National Responsibility Day (NRD)
⦁ Government Watch Day (GWD)
⦁ Nigerian Government Watch Day (NGWD)
⦁ Nigeria Watch Day (NWD)
⦁ National Day of Watch (NDW)
⦁ Reminder Day (RD)
⦁ National Reminder Day (NRD)
⦁ National Revival Day (NRD)
⦁ National Day of Renewal (NDR)
⦁ National Renewal Day (NRD)
⦁ The Nigerian Renaissance Day (NRD)
⦁ National Rebirth Day
⦁ Democracy Watch Day (DWD)
⦁ Responsible Governance Day (RGD)
⦁ National Day for Responsible Governance (NDRG).
⦁ Wake Up Day (WUD).
It must be stressed here again that the National Wake Up Call Day (NWUCD) is not a day of fighting, quarrelling, boxing or is it a day of vandalism, arson/burning of properties/persons, but simply what it has set out to do - a day in which all Nigerians unite and collectively remind the nation's leaders of their responsibilities to the Nigerian people and the nation, hence the name NATIONAL WAKE UP CALL DAY!
Although the NWUCD has a spiritual significance too, the spiritual symbolism of ushering in revival/rebirth/renewal/renaissance is not its focus at this juncture.
This message is from God through me to the Nigerian people, home and abroad, hence it has not been copyrighted.
Nigerians in the Diaspora too can participate by going to the Nigerian Embassies/High Commissions in their host countries to blow trumpets, but they must first seek the permissions of the relevant security agencies and Departments of Governments to ensure compliance with the general and environmental laws of their host countries.
Apart from organising the NATIONAL WAKE UP CALL DAY, this method of drawing the attention of the nation's leaders peacefully and quietly to their responsibilitiess, can be adopted generally as a way of mass protest to make all departments of governments and public office holders be awake/alive to their statutory responsibilities, such as making electricity suppliers who have always been known as agents of darkness rather than AGENTS OF LIGHT to do the right thing - give power to the people, the Inspector General of Police, whenever the people feel he together with his boys and girls are not measuring up in the face of increasing crimes, bribery and corruption in the police, Armed Forces chiefs, whose officers are high-handed in their dealings with members of the public, etc.
This method can also be used by the people of Nigeria to force out corrupt and non-performing public officers to resign their public appointments, especially if they refuse to toe the path of honour by resigning honourably after they have been found to have committed one act of transgression or another against the State.
All people need to do is to organise themselves peacefully, orderly and responsibly (POR) and march to the office of the public officer in question and blow their trumpets seven times without uttering a word, then return to their homes or to their workplaces, but it MUST not be abused in any least way or be used by political enemies/opponents of the office occupier or those who do not wish the occupier of the office well to settle scores.
Proverbs 6 New International Version (NIV)
Warnings Against Folly
6 My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor,
if you have shaken hands in pledge for a stranger,
2 you have been trapped by what you said,
ensnared by the words of your mouth.
3 So do this, my son, to free yourself,
since you have fallen into your neighbor’s hands:
Go—to the point of exhaustion—
and give your neighbor no rest!
4 Allow no sleep to your eyes,
no slumber to your eyelids.
5 Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter,
like a bird from the snare of the fowler.
6 Go to the ant, you sluggard;
consider its ways and be wise!
7 It has no commander,
no overseer or ruler,
8 yet it stores its provisions in summer
and gathers its food at harvest.
9. How long will you lie there, you sluggard?
When will you get up from your sleep?
10 A little sleep, a little slumber,
a little folding of the hands to rest—
11 and poverty will come on you like a thief
and scarcity like an armed man.
12 A troublemaker and a villain,
who goes about with a corrupt mouth,
13 who winks maliciously with his eye,
signals with his feet
and motions with his fingers,
14 who plots evil with deceit in his heart—
he always stirs up conflict.
15 Therefore disaster will overtake him in an instant;
he will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy.
God bless Nigeria.