In German major cities, car owners currently live in fear of their vehicles.
Hardly any night passes without another couple of cars set to fire. Violent action that first seemed to focus on Berlin only is now also taking place in Hamburg, Bremen and other cities. Arsonists, whose real motivation is till unknown, walk the streets and randomly set private cars into fire. Even worse: There seems to be no pattern and no one knows where these criminals will continue with their mindless destroys the other night. "I am convinced that the police are trying its utmost to stop these arsonists," says Ralf Kudernak, managing director of Imtradex Hör-/Sprechsysteme GmbH (
He points out that success in this fight against car arsonists is not only a matter of manpower, like often stated, but also a matter of technical equipment and communication in specific. "Since the real motive is unclear - the police does not know whether these people are politically driven or if their motivation is simply an act of vandalism - eaves-dropping proof and discreet communication is crucial for covert operations in order to catch the criminals in the act of burning down cars," says Ralf Kudernak. Since years, his company equips police forces and tactical units nationwide with covert communication solutions.
A successful method to catch and stop these arsonists is to increase the number of covert police patrols on the streets. Officers in plain clothes and equipped with discreet communication devices patrol through the streets in order to avoid that more cars get burned. Certainly, communication with the control center and colleagues on the street also has to take place in a most discreet way. This is enabled by communication solutions like the OnGuard Bluetooth from Imtradex. It allows wireless communication via GSM mobile phones, using a covert induction loop with wireless earpiece or external earphones.
A wireless send button at the same time ensures that the PTT can be operated in most discreet in the palm of the hand. With pressing the PTT button, calls can be answered or finished. An integrated Li-Ion battery allows an operation time of four to six hours investigative work.