Rome and Malta: Sparkle has announced the launch of the SMS Booster service for mobile operators.
The new service combines Sparkle’s Application-to-Person (A2P) gateway with 365squared firewall managed services to provide mobile operators with a solution for A2P SMS traffic monetization, as well as spam and fraudulent SMS filtering.
Today mobile operators have limited control and visibility on all incoming A2P SMS traffic, resulting in revenue leakage, high signaling costs and several customer complaints for spamming and fraudulent traffic.
SMS Booster is a sophisticated all-in-one solution as a result of the Sparkle SMS transit platform consisting of a wide network of worldwide aggregators and direct connection with major OTT players, and 365squared’s state-of-the-art SMS managed filtering service, including 24/7 business intelligence and monitoring by a dedicated team. The solution is offered with an innovative business model approach based on a revenue sharing/success fee approach.
“With SMS Booster, Sparkle reaffirms how customers’ needs are at the center of our strategy,” said Stefano Olivieri, Vice President Line of Business Voice & Mobile at Sparkle. "SMS Booster allows customers to take control of their SMS traffic and generate new revenue streams in a Capex and Opex free model, providing at the same time a valuable protection for mobile operator subscribers against fraudulent traffic.”
“We are thrilled to be partnering with TI Sparkle,” commented Tonio Ellul, CEO, 365squared. “Our experience and expertise in providing world-class managed services together with the TI Sparkle network will add immense value to mobile network operators. The 365secure and 365managed services and highly experienced 365squared team will ensure significant revenue increase and customer satisfaction levels.”