Please visist also:
My fellow Nigerians, if you have been wondering why a beautiful country is currently lying prostrate at the A & E Ward, with no doctors to attend to her; if you have been wondering why our Nigeria has been turned into a field of blood and reduced to a rubble; why everyhting is stagnated and nothing is working, with the tribal Government as presided over by Muhammadu Buhari and his Fulani ethnic nationality, having its foundation in the ideologies of Wahabism and Salafism, the double standard in administration/governance;
if you have been wondering about the resurgence of agitators in all of the regions of Nigeria, the bad blood between the North and the South of Nigeria, between one ethinic association and another; between one ethnic nationality and another, the soured interpersonal relationships amongst Nigerians as to who owns what and why; the inherent high level of suspicion and doubts in every day relattionship amongst Nigerians; the the general lack of peace in the body politics; the ongoing insurbodination in 'Canaan'; the general insurbodination to constituted authority as the local imperialists will not accept to take orders/instructions from the kafirs/slaves constitutionally placed over them; the riotous classrooms in all of the Nigerian Federations as evident in our children being forced to wear uniforms according to their faiths, even in schools and colleges established by Christians, which was actually begun by Lateef Kayode Jakande, an Awoist who fell by the way side, having played Esau for a mess of pottage from the Butcher of Kano, General Sani Abacha, also LKJ, it was who went about building pens wherefrom, our children were educated, with these pens falling and crumbling on and killing them without compensations; if you have been wondering about all the aberrations, illegalties, disobeying of court orders by the terrrorist Government of Muhammadu Buhari and the political officials, all lawlessness, the ever shooting crime rate, crises and chaos of unparalleled magnitude, corruption, actions/inactions of Governments and citizens, the military and police, including the para-military, extra-judicial killings, jungle justices, the current ethnic cleansing and cultural imperialism in the body politics, agitations, terrorism activities from the Presidency as presided over by the cabal-troika, sharia, the activities of Isbah, who like the military have usurped the constitutional role of policing a multi-cultural, multi-lingual Nigeria from the so-called Nigeria Police, who indeed, are the Hausa and Fulani Constabulary, jihadism, 97/5 Formula, hereditary privilege, rather than competitive performance, why everything is now the opposite of what you used to know about our Nigeria or what your parents and teachers at colleges told you about Nigeria, and so were consciously training you to take your place in the Nigerian Federation, in order to raise up the crest and banner of your alma mater as you render service to fatherland, the ongoing persecution of Christians and the Shi'ites which has reached its feverish peak, which is a testimony to the curent state of statelessness, and if you do not know, a state of statelessness or statelessness is evidennt anarchism; if you are wondering why the APC-Muhammadu Buhari-Sunni Muslim Government have consciously embarced the dicta: Might is right, Maciavellianism - the end justifies the means; why the great Nigerian poet, Christopher had long ago captured the current state of zero state or just zero state:
the elephant ravages the jungle
the jungle is peopled with snakes
the snake says to the squirrel
I will swallow you
the mongoose says to the snake
I will mangle you
the elephnant says to the mongoose
I will mangle you
then know this day that it is simply because there is not a country!
***To be continued
John Odey Aduma was formely Executive Secretary, Foundry Association of Nigeria; Southern Coordinator of President Muhammadu Buhari's pastoralists NGO - THE PASTORAL RESOLVE; Chairman, Editorial Board of the Daily Times of Nigeria Plc; member, National Committee for the Nigerian Youth Festival, 1993; member, core Committee of the National Tecnology Summit and was the Summit's chairman for two of its sub-committees - Publicity and Exhibition, 1998; member of the Administrative Panel of Inquiry set up by President Olusegun Obasanjo to investigate the illegal trade in and smuggling of endagered species of wild fauna and flora into and out of Nigeria, 2003.
He was the Chairman, Planning Committee of the General Murtala Muhammed Memorial Lecture for two consecutive years, 2001 and 2002 before it attained a Foundation status in 2002, having first been upgraded to that status in 2001. General Murtala Muhammed was one of Nigeria's former Heads of State and was killed in the abortive coup led by the then Colonel Buka Suka Dimka on February 13, 1976.
That same capacity saw Mr Aduma delivering huge succcesses during the Daily Times of Nigeria's 75th Anniversary (in which he raked in N6, 000, 000 into the coffers of the Daily Times of Nigeria Plc) and also, playing a similar role in a similar capacity during Dr Isma'il Babatunde Jose's 75th Birth Day. Dr Jose, doyen of Nigerian journalism was Mr Aduma's personal mentor. That relationship was so close and solid such that whilst Aduma was leaving the shores of Nigeria for Britain in 2003, Dr Jose gave him N10, 000.00.
In 1992, Mr Aduma's contributions to journalism was recognised with the awards of the Nigeria Media Merit Award as the Investigative Reporter of the Year and the Diamond Awards for Media Excellence as the Reporter of the Year, and also, the British Chevening Scholarship, which saw him studying International Journalism at City University of London in 2003-2004, with specialism in Environment.
Aduma is the author of the inspirational best-seller, THE DIAMONDS ARE HERE and the founder of Vigilance, the World's Leading Security Magazine and Scorpion News Corp, in addition to founding the Nationalists Unity Movement of Nigeria (NUMON).
God bless our Nigeria.
The Voice of One Crying from the Diaspora...
***Reach out target: 150 million Nigerians. Please read, print, photocopy and pass it on! Also, NUMON, would like you to ensure this target is met by mailing this article to all on your mailing list.