."..the Nigerian Federation is a political union, and not a cultural one, hence in amalgamating, only the political was amalgamated and therafter, federated at independence and not the cultural; and in federating, only the political was federated and not the cultural or the anthropo-socio-cultural and the spiritual."
Emeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, the Ikemba and the so-called Eze Igbo Gburugburu...started the whole charade of Eze Ndigbo which is now spreading across the country like a wild fire in the harmattan, but which must be stopped immediately as it portends a national catastrophe of an unparalleled magnitude!
Whatever happened to republicanism amongst Ndigbo?
Kingdom in a kingdom...the landmines and chaos ahead.
It is sheer nonsense, crass stupidity and greed of the highest order for anyone to contemplate having the so-called Eze Ndigbo in an indigenous culture within the NIBE FEDERATION - the Nigerian Federation. Such an aberration anywhere it exists is an insult to the indigenous/native culture/s, its people and civilization.
It is also, a malady and an ugly idiocy, just like having an emirate council in the West Central beloging to the Yorubas in the name of one treacherous Shehu Alimi, also called Salih Janta, a Fulani slave who in 1824 killed Kakanfo Afonja, an erstwhile Yoruba General after an alliance with him to stop the furious expansion of the Old Oyo Kingdom/empire.
The do-nothingness of the Yorubas over the years and their lack of interest in dismantling the the Ilorin emirate which is responsible to the Sultan in far away Sokoto till date, explains why every ethnic nationality in Nigeria tends to regard them as cheap, and as a people to whom anything goes. Need I remind the descendants of Oduduwa that Ilorin emirate remains a scar on the conscience of the Yorubas?
In as much as it is the tendency of some depraved kings (Gbanjo Obas) in Yoruba land to put reduced price tags on themselves, just as reduced products are on the shelves of a supermarket of dishonour and be bought cheaply with mammon as in June 12, in which I was deeply involved, and most recently, the dollar bonanza from a political efulefu like Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, the spitting on the Yorubas by everybody will continue ad infinitum.
Therefore, the trouble hunters in Nigeria must be aware that before the arrival of the Arab invaders/predators in Nigeria from the East and the locusts from the West in 1800, despite the lies of the Arab and glutonous Europe, the land of the dark-skinned people had been very well organised into distinct kingdoms which were then the envy of the Roman empire and other such that existed at the time, all of which copied/stole the African technology and civilization as it was Africa, and not any culture/s, as Western history liars who have distorted the history of the world, beginning from ancient times till now and re-arranged the once well ordered world to suit their whims and caprices, writing off Africa/Africans today in every least way as a people without a culture, who never have contributed anything to the advancement of civilization and the progress of humanity generally, who cannot conceive of a monotheistic God as Leo Viktor Frobenius (June 29, 1873-August 9, 1938), the German ethnographer who stole African artifacts and was caught had initially erroneously claimed.
It should be told here to the present generation of Africans and the children of the coming generation of Africans that, Frobenius alone, stole from Africa, its prehistoric stone paintings totalling 4, 700 which are currently kept at the University of Frankfurt's Institute of Ethnology - THE FROBENIUS INSTITUTE!
Whilst studying at Great Ife, we were misinformed by African lecturers and Europeans alike that what I now know through researches known as authentic African philosophy was what had been regarded/codified as Greek/Western Philosophy, when all those ideas, moralism, cultures, philosophies/thoughts/sayings were in fact, stolen from the land of the dark-skinned people, the then Egypt, where such early Greek philosophers as Pythagoras, Thales, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Democritus, Anaxagoras went to study the Mysteries - The Egyptian Mystery System-cum-Summum Bonum - THE GREATEST GOOD and Alexander the Great who invaded Egypt and and plundered the Royal Library in Alexandria.
Thus, it is the contention of this brief treatise that it is only an illegitimate African that can conceive of a kingdom within a kingdom. There cannot be a kingdom in a kingdom or multiple kingdoms in a kingdom, and where such is attempted, the result will be strifes of an unimaginable magnitude with catastrophic consequences that will have the potential of engulfing the whole nation.
When I keep writing about proactive response to policing, this is one such test case for Nigeria's Dogari-in-Chief (D-in-C), Solo-siddon-look Arase who must immediately cause a law to be passed at national and State and editcts at Local Government level to nip this nonsense in the bud.
I have been warning the nation for many years now about "Sharia creep" which has been ongoing since the 1960s, especially with Yakubu Gowon, a Christian sending a representative in the person of Sheikh Abubakar Gumi to the OIC meet in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco on September 25th, 1969, consequent upon Nigeria's actual and full membership of that Dark Club in 1986 through the back door by Ibrahim Gbadamosi Babangida; and the D-8 through that Butcher of Kano, Sani Abacha; followed by the introduction of political Sharia spearheaded by the beaded Ahmed Rufai Sani Yerisharia on the nation's return to democracy in 1999 under a Christain President, Olusegun Obasanjo; the current Boko Haram madness; the bloody exploits of the Fulbe herders in collaboration with Almajiris and foreign jihadi fighters; the Grazing Land Bill now in that Dome of Shame, mistakenly referred to by ignorant and naive Nigerians as the National Assembly; the purported membership of the so-called Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism (IMAFT) without an iota of inputs from the worms and money sharers in the Dome of Faeces; the calligraphy or Arabic writing on Nigeria's - a secular nation's currency note; the arabic architectural building - your Dome of Shame; the so-called Nigeria Army which is still stuck in the past till date, conducting itself like the GLOVER HAUSAS OF 1863, and the Hausa Constabulary of 1865; the so-called Nigeria Police, behaving like the Dongaris in the palaces of the Sultan of Sokoto and the emir of Kano having had their functions usurped thoroughly by the Hisbahs to whom like shameless Esau, they have sold their constitutional rights, such that in Kano, particularly, these Hisbahs are the ones going to Sabon Gari to raid brothels and hotels, with the Kano potentate, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, acting as the Super Inspector General of the Police of the Federation (SIGOPOF); apartheid in Kano as in Sabon Gari; muslim school uniforms even in Christian schools; blocking of roads during Juma'h prayers; the encirclement of the 36 States of the Federation by the Fulani herders, whose ultimate aim will be the carving out of separate Local Government Areas, eventuating in a separate community/emirate for them as in the case of first, Ilorin, Zango Kataf, now separated into Zango and Kataf, Jos North Local Government Area as IBB was prodded by the palaces who helped him up the ladder to so do; the Barkin Ladi, Agatu, Logo, Tarka Nimbo experiments/pilot projects, which if they had succeeded would have been replicated in all the 36 States of the Federation - implementing the Grazing Land Bill through the back door, even before it is passed or binned by your VULTURES in the WHITEWASHED DOME OF DISHONOUR, but whether passed or not, the vampiric King Rehoboam (1 Kings 12:10-14) could vetoe and implement it; the attempted pilot project of banning morning devotion in Cross River State schools/colleges which would have been replicated all over the nation if it had succeeded, following immediately after Mr Muhari had gone there to commission the NEW JIHADI ROUTE linking East to North, a project being excitedly pursued by Kim Jong-un of Cross River State, Ben Ayade, which MUST be stopped immediately because it will render over 60, 000 Cross Riverians homeless, hence not viable - Ayade was a mere suckling when I was fighting to keep/preserve the whole of Cross River's pristine vegetation, which he is now destroying with the serrated edges of the bulldozers in the name of such elephant project is being partnered with our Paradise by some locusts from far off land; the Islamic Miliatry Alliance Against Terror, will be very willing to help the implementation of all jihadi projects now in the pipeline by Muhammadu Buhari and his fellow caliphate delusionists by coming over to crush any flies/ants, as Muhammadu Buhari regards all that have been killed, especially the Southern Christians, IGBOS particularly, as mere ants/flies to be dispensed with as he and and his fellow cohorts/wayfarers think people don't cry/weep when ants/mosquitoes and cockroaches are killed, but they do cry, go wild, kill, rape, maim and destroy when a cow is killed.
Brothers, sisters, THIS IS THE NEW RULE - you better put on your thinking cap because you are already in the AGE OF BUHARI - the leading butcher amongst the SHARIA GENERATION, TERROR GENERATION, THE MUJAHIDEEN GENERATION, this medieval and sanguinary potentate is a mere SAUDI ARABIA HIGH COMMISSIONER TO NIGERIAGHANISTAN, whilst the Sultan of Sokoto is the annointed THEOCRATIC HEAD OF STATE OF NIGERIAGHANISTAN and the leader of the FAITHFUL in Nigeriaghanistan!
But just when will the headship of the Muslims in Nigeria be democratised and rotated?
Fellow Nigerians, did you think during the civil war Buhari and other agents of the caliphate were fighting to keep Nigeria one or were merely fighting jihad to expand the Islamic Empire of Saudi Arabia? Your guess is as good as mine when you shine your eyes to see what is happening under the watchful eyes of Busharia.
Against the backdrop of what is happening to the House of Nigeria under Muhammadu Busharia, it can be deduced therefore, that Nigeria in the Age of Buhari is being ruled by those who suffer from Misplaced Priority Syndrome (MPS) and his is the worst Government since Nigeria's independence in 1960!
Any time that Muhammadu Buhari is in power in Nigeria, everything that gives light ceases - the sun and the moon stop to shine, the stars cease to twinkle and give light, even the fireflies run to hide, and thereafter the nation is plunged into total darkness and the spirit of death roams about the country freely, moving from house to house, knocking at one door after another, dragging Nigerians to untimely deaths.
Even though they have taken our national sun, moon and stars from us, they have not been able, and will never be able to snatch our individual sun, moon and stars from us - in fact, that government is not yet inaugurated who will take our sun, moon and stars away from us.
Therefore, we shouldn't wait for the sun to put smiles on our faces, but we should be the ones to put a smile on the face of the sun.
In case, you don't know, all the Sharia/jihadi projects being lined up by the caliphate delusionists are being funded by them, nations and some individual oil Sheiks from the Middle East with petro dollar wealth at their disposal. But do you doubt the presence in NIGERIAGHANISTAN already of Hezbollah, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood and other such monstrous islamists from the Middle East, the Horn of Africa and not to talk of those nearest to us from all over West Africa?
Realizing that the Nigeria of Muhammadu Buhari, rather I should I say, Muhammadu Buhari's NIGERIAGHANISTAN is certainly NOT, repeat; certainly is NOT the Nigeria of the dream of the founding fathers, the Nigeria that we have today has been recloned in the image of Saudi Arabia and by extension, Islamic nations, and unless God who had confluenced us together before Lord Lugard repackaged it in the image of Britain under the HINTERLAND PRINCIPLE which he had announced gleefully in The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa: "By this dictum, a power in occupation of coast lands was entitled to claim the exclusive right to exercise political influence for an indefinite distance in land," it is therefore, my utmost duty as THE VOICE FOR THIS AGE AND GENERATION, CRYING IN THE DIASPORA from my OBSERVATORY, calling all Nigerians to conscience, reason, retrace their steps, examine theirs ways and their doings, so they could snatch/recover their country from Muhammadu Buhari and his Arab cousins, return her to the path of light and make her the city set on a hill for all humanity to behold once more, in order for her to lead Africa and the world, in all things as hitherto.
As a former Barracks boy, I should here use a barracks saying: "Soldier go, Soldier come, but barracks remain", hence immediately after the departure of the British colonialists, the Arab invaders from far-flung East, who were chased away by the hawks from the West, returned to repossess 'their' land, and and this return of the vultures from the East has brought Nigerians and their country nothing, but TOTAL DARKNESS, violence, killings, maimings, destructions of immense magnitude, raping, strifes as of the descendants of Jacob, Israel and the descendants of Ishmael, Palestine eventuating in every BLACKNESS OF DARKNESS that our Nigeria has witnessed and now made worse as dark as Erebus by Muhammadu Buhari, such that what we have as a semblance of a country is no longer NIGERIA, but NIGERIAGHANISTAN, where the Medianites and the Philistines doth plunder at will, even whilst our people doth sleepeth.
Of a truth, the Ilorin emirate experiment which the Yorubas have done nothing to dismantle that evil temple, those planting kingdoms in kingdoms other than their own indigenous kingdoms are merely playing into the hands of the caliphate delusionists and their Arab masters, and in just a matter of time, emirate councils will begin to spring up and be established in each LGA with funds from within and without - the Arab world - particularly, Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Development Bank which often disguises its loans to poverty-stricken and very naive nations in form of education and infrastructural loans - when in fact, its real mission is the islamification of the nation states of Africa - just go to Central African Republic, where this so-called loans having been used to build hospitals, you can only access treatment by getting converted to the muslim faith, hence to be forewarned is to be forearmed!
Therefore, my candid advice to all my compatriots living in States other than their own natural States is to have a highly apolitical socio-cultural unions and elect leaders such as Secretaries-General, chairpersons, treasurers, etc, and such associations should be developmental in nature and charity-orientated and nothing more.
Ndigbo, having bartered their republicanism for a mess of pottage like Esau, and are now going about the nation to plant kingdoms in other kingdoms, must heed the voice of reason that he who brings ants-infested faggots to the house must not complain when ants begin to visit him.
At the start of our national odyssey, the Igbos started by playing smart, but got their fingers burnt and since then have been pushed out of the House of Nigeria. Again, there it was that started the inauguration of the tradition of establishing a kingdom in a kingdom.
But whilst they push very aggressively with the idea of a kingdom in a kingdom, they must first look back in the manner of Sankofa, the mythical bird in Akan folklore, count the cost and they must not forget that in our midst, they are a more ruthless, vicious, over zealous and an ultra-conservative group that will in just a matter of time swoop on the idea of a KIAK for the dramatization of their satanic script by an artistic director reveling in purposeless malignity, and the last civil war will be a child's play. A word is enough for the wise.
I dare predict that if this nonsense is not stopped immediately, in an environment lacking total creativity, innovations, imaginations and defined by its very herd instinct, the bandwagon effect should be left to the realm of the imagination of those who still have this virtue in that country - such that every ethnic nationality domiciled outside of their constitutional States will like to establish their own kingdoms in their host kingdoms - and racing to the future, the chaos is unimaginable and the crises this will engender are better imagined.
Those who are taking the title of Eze Ndigbo in Northern States are mere puns to be used as missionaries to the East to convert their brothers and sisters to Islam - already some Governors are unashamedly doing/spreading this dirty islamism.
For example, an Igbo fellow who was a member of the Goodluck Ebele Jonathan confab nonsense, was converted by a Northern monarch who during the confab was whining all over the place, crying like a kitten about breaking up the country and boasting he would not miss anything because his kingdom stretches to Cameroon.
But did this man of the East get converted to Islam out of conviction or pecuniary gains?
So you wanna have a kingdom in a kingdom? But what kingdom? NONSENSE!
I have come to challenge you to a fight;
You are a conquered people;
You are a weakling;
You can take anything;
you are a coward;
You are a nonentity;
You are foolish;
You be okponka, you don't matter;
You are a greedy person;
More, it is an attempt to weaken the natural/native/indigenous kingdom and a war-provoking egotism. Above all, it is a sure castigation, a direct insult on, an aspersion cast on an indigenous culture/kingdom; an indictment and a deliberate debasement of the natural territorial integrity of the host kingdom and an unwarranted intrusion upon the privacy, dignity, integrity, culture and the liberty of the indigenous people.
All hankering and wishing to be crowned king in their host communities or establish kingdoms/emirates therein, must be reminded that the Nigerian Federation is a political union, and not a cultural one, hence in amalgamating in 1914, only the political was amalgamated and therafter, federated at independence in 1960 and not the cultural; and in federating, only the political was federated and not the cultural or the anthropo-socio-cultural and the spiritual.
Thus, in that union, it is such that every hyphenated-nationality should come in their "-nesses such as Yalaness, Idomaness, Igboness, Fulbeness, Yorubaness, Hausaness and be fused to Nigerianess, with the NIGERIANESS surpassing all the " - nesses".
God bless our Nigeria.
Nigeriaholically yours,
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