Peace to the nations
Enter, the Watchman for the nations: (Looking penitent and in sorrow of heart): Here I am, Lord…
Enter, Sovereign Lord – the Maker of heaven and earth: Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me. (Psalm 115:15).
18 When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
19 Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.
- Ezekiel 3: 17-19.
Dearly beloved in Christ,
To the church of Jesus Christ in our time: Grace and peace to you and to the nations in all realms and climes.
Looking at the current state of our world, you probably like me, have been wondering loud and expressing concern as to whether this is actually the world God had intended from creation as sins now roam freely in every nation – nooks and crannies of the world, flapping their wings seemingly unchallenged, crowing everywhere and time, like a mischievous village cock, deriding the helplessness of mankind.
The situation is such that sins no longer fear the hitherto and supposedly hallowed places of our universe, as some brethren amongst us are complicit and are active participants in the global Sinfest/Sinfestival.
More worrisome now is the fact that it has manifested itself and expressed itself in all unnaturalness (Romans 12:26) and have been very honourably given a golden seat whereon to sit in the heart of governments of the nations of the world and now the sure pilot of the supersonic jumbo jet of global political correctness, with every rule bent to accommodate it by the nation states such that everything in our world is now given a subjective interpretation based on the law of relativism, especially as absolutism and godliness, goodness, kindness, righteousness, uprightness, (Christian) integrity and morality, etc, all have been kicked out of national and global agenda.
“Truth”, we are told is now extinct and “Post Truth” has been ushered in to take its place, accompanied by its notorious apostle, Fake News, which is now the “New Fact”, whilst anything factual now in this smart world only exists in the realm of the imagination of the purveyor of the now so-called “fact/factual.”
This is after humanity have collectively conspired to remove God from national cum global scheme of things. Consequently, as the “centre can no longer hold, mere anarchy is loosed upon the world”, and everything has fallen apart, thus begotten wars, endless political imbroglio in and around the world, terrorism, extremism, Islamism, rape, banditry, armed robbery incidences, organised or unorganised crimes, minor or major crimes, other forms of violence, both minor and major across the globe.
And whilst the heaven’s trumpet blast sounded for the children of God – the citizens of eternity; have failed to rouse us from our deep slumber and awaken us to action, the smart people of this so-called smart generation have outsmarted us and sneaked first into the church, and bravely snatched the true gospel from the pulpit and replaced it with the gospel of Mammon; therefrom, they headed to the (Christian) home, scattering it, left the nations of the world with houses, instead of homes, whereupon they pounced very mercilessly on mums and dads and taught them the art and science of violence, resulting in what the political and legal people now refer to as “domestic” violence, and the children of these now global houses swallowed this up as a way of life and began to unleash violence of unimaginable proportion, first on themselves, and then others – every creature that has breath in them; and not done, these smart people who are undoubtedly the vicious apostles of Satan, initiated these children who were not “trained up” (Proverbs 22:6) in the way of the Lord and in the way “they should go”, took to drugs – the modern day money-spinner and live the self-same life of drugs; and having first been so poached from their so-called parents – the unparented parents; products of zero parenting, who are unarguably of zero-parentage pedigree, were taken off school and enrolled in the college and university of violence, and thereafter recruited into the global army of Field-Marshall Lucifer with some, depending on the nation, were posted to the various regiments that abound in the global army of Satan – crime/violence infantry; terrorism/Islamism/extremism/radicalization engineering corps; gun and knife violence artillery regiment; rape and banditry cum armed robbery and kidnapping territorial guards, the recce regiment of drugs and alcoholism; the piracy and migrant (human - modern slaves) trafficking amphibious brigade, resulting in mass exodus of hapless people in and around the world; the arson ordnance corps; the prostitution naval force; the cyber and espionage air force; the deadly President’s Regiment of the Herdsmen Killer Squad (HKS), etc (a.k.a. the President’s No Nonsense Brigade said to be available to him 24/7 for all sorts of rapid and emergency deployments); gang/cultism youth brigade; the vicious and ruthless Far-Right Special Strike Force (FRSSF), aggressively advancing ethnic causes and promoting ethnic nationalism and the very deadly and corrosive Far-Left Squad, a sort of Father Christmas Frontier Force (FCFF) and far left terrorism/infantile radicalism/destroy this temple kind of ill-thought out revolutionary anarchism, the notorious and deadly Girl Commandos, etc.
Still not done, these agents of the evil one traversed the globe to hijack governments/governance, the media, the entertainment world, including the contents of films, plays, etc.
(And) under the circumstance, no one is in control and no one oversees the nations of the world and global affairs anymore, but Satan. What then is the result? Absence of global leadership, hence in every facet of our universe – both national and universal spaces, the evil one has established itself firmly, and going about erecting kingdoms and thrones, and appointing principalities and powers, including of course, “spiritual wickedness in high places” and his personal envoys to oversee these ‘synagogues’ of Satan, eventuating in the current mess and dumbing down of leadership in global spaces/arenas, leaving the world with an almost seemingly unbridgeable yawning chasm/lacuna in global leadership.
26”He said, "If you listen carefully to the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you."
- Exodus 15:26.
In case, you do not know Him or yet know Him or have never known him or have never heard about Him, Dr Jesus is the world’s renowned Chief Epidemiologist and the world’s greatest Physician and Consultant-General of the world-famous Nazareth Hospital. He is the Omnipresent, Omniscience and Omniscient Physician with all surpassing knowledge in all things, including medicine, both in heaven and on earth, and having all powers to cure all manner of diseases.
In fact, His eternal Jesusroid Vaccine is a sure cure for Covid-19 pandemic now ravaging the human community. Therefore, to rid the human community and the nations of the coronavirus pandemic, the world must without further delay and much ado turn to Dr Jesus for a guaranteed and complete cure!
This confidence of mine in the Jesusroid Vaccine stems from the fact that mankind’s limit is the beginning of God’s power, glory, healings, and other miracles uncountable.
Since the invasion and subsequent territorial occupation and the seeming intractable advancement of the unseen enemy, otherwise known as Covid-19, mankind – nations have tried all self-help in their medical laboratories, but all of these efforts have been to no avail.
Man’s helplessness in the face of the alien force has manifested itself in the ongoing unparalleled confusion – national and global; the blame-game – national and global, reaching a crescendo of worldwide protests by global citizenry against their nations’ governments. Here’s the current tempo and rhythm of things in our covidized world: lockdown today, relax the lockdown tomorrow; stricter restriction today, total lockdown tomorrow; new vaccine discovered today, vaccine just discovered found to be fake news!
It is therefore, my candid recommendation to the peoples of the world that although I do not oppose or disregard or ignore in any least way the scientific and the political, methinks, mankind’s last best option and hope now (under the circumstance) is to embrace and try the spiritual: Now therefore, is the most opportune time to hand over this alien force to the Captain of the Host of the Lord (Joshua 5:13, 6:5), ‘sit’ down, relax, rest and calm down and watch God deploys His destroying angels and the east winds to rout out these merciless and very mindless forces of darkness (C-19) that delight in purposeless malignity, bringing tears and sorrows to mankind.
Then His disciples came to Him and awoke Him, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!”
- Matthew 8:25.
Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah El-Rophecha/Roph’ekha, YHWH -Rophe: behold your people in their moments of sorrow, distress and anguish of hearts. Lord, we are still indeed, your people and handiworks despite our countless failings. Please do not destroy us before the time. We remind you of your words that you will never deny us the sure mercies of David. This is our SOS and our battle cry to the Lord. Help then Lord, lest we perish!
“…Bring me any case too hard for you, and I will hear it."
- Deuteronomy 1:17
31” But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
- Isaiah 40:31.
Therefore, the main focus and emphasis of the maiden edition of the World Fasting and Prayer Day this year, 2020 should be to call on God very earnestly to remove C-19 from the human community, including all earthly places. Hence when ye shall assemble, paying due heed to to the C-19 rules/regulations/policies in this thy maiden edition of fasting and prayer unto the Lord, above else, ye shall plead thy cause before the Lord and the God of all heavens and the earth to remove the wicked and reckless pestilence (plague) from thy midst and rout out other unseen enemies which troubleth thee in this thy abode on earth.
“Let us examine our ways and test them,
and let us return to the Lord.”
- Lamentation 3:40.
Just how well or otherwise, have we been good stewards of the earth entrusted to us by God? There could therefore, not have been a more auspicious time than this day of fasting and prayer for all of humanity to not only examine, reflect and review our vertical relationship with our Creator regarding how well or otherwise, we have been good or bad stewards of the earth, but it should also be an occasion to examine, reflect and review our horizontal relationship with our neighbours and the environment with all of its biotic contents – both superjacent and subjacent resources. And we must not fail to bear in mind that the Father’s injunction to all of us His children in all the nooks and crannies of the world to “multiply and fill the earth”, comes with a corresponding responsibility to “replenish” (Genesis 1:28) (re-fill, preserve/conserve) it.
14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
- 2 Chronicles 7:14-22
“Awake, awake, Zion,
clothe yourself with strength!
Put on your garments of splendor,
Jerusalem, the holy city.
The uncircumcised and defiled
will not enter you again.” Isaiah 52:1.
Therefore, the children of God worldwide must heed this heavenly call to set aside and observe the 13th day of every December in which we would all assemble, whilst obeying Covid laws/rules in and around our home altars, all places of worship, even if improvised, schools/colleges/the universities/institutes/academies and workplaces for the purpose to confess our collective sins together with those of the world and ask the Father of mercy for total forgiveness, to enable Him heal our homes and every nation and the globe entire of all these very repulsive maladies into which Satan, ably supported by the smart people (men and women, boys and girls) of the world and some within the fold have plunged them:
Thus, when ye assemble to pray on the 13th Day of December 2020, a day which shall thenceforward be consecrated onto the Lord and to be marked and celebrated as a day of universal tarrying on the Lord (Isaiah 40:30-31), ye shall first rededicate/dedicate(Hanukkah: Exodus 33:6, Numbers 6:12, 1st Kings 8:23-61, John 10:22) thyself (Luke 2:22-40), and thy households and the world entire unto the Lord; then ye shall proceed to consecrate thyself and thy household and thy nation unto the Lord of the whole universe, and then begin thy prayer according to CRAT (confess, repent, ask for forgiveness, followed with thanksgiving). Then ye shall advance further in thy supplication and thy petitions on behalf of the peoples of the world and the nations.
Let us pray for our world and the nations:
- Pray for repentance and salvation.
- Pray dedicating, rededicating, and consecrating yourselves and thy households, thy nation and the world unto the Lord, and thereafter, sanctify yourselves before Him, who alone is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, above all, He alone is the Elohim (Leviticus 12:4-5, Lk 2:22-40).
- Pray to have Christian homes where the Bible is preached and taught.
- Pray for families and the peoples of the world.
- Pray that the whole broad human family of the earth will repent and come to Christ, the ONLY Saviour of the world.
- Pray that all the peoples of the earth in the nations of the world, including Christians will henceforth set their priority right by seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness… (Matthew 6:33).
- Pray for every soul on earth to open the doors of their hearts and let in God once more to be in control of their every affair and ultimately take charge of global affairs and reign supreme in our hearts and world once more.
- Pray for the nations.
- Pray that politicians and political officials will play by the rule, promote and encourage the practice of the rule of law in their nations.
- Pray against election fraud and election violence in nations of the world.
- Pray that good people the world over and Christians alike will go into active politics and not leave the political spheres to crooks, touts/thugs and the corrupt.
- Pray for the nations to do lockdowns with common sense so as not to imperil the national and global economies.
- Pray for governments of the world to be development focused.
- Pray for global education reform (nation by nation education reform) which will be skills-orientated) in nature and lead to the training of the heads-hearts-hands in order to meet the demands of modern day, current reality and Global New Economy (GNE).
- Pray for the return to a knowledge-based world rather than the current world of crass materialism with its attendant penchant for unparalleled acquisitiveness.
- Pray against the spirit of lies that has taken over the hearts of men and women, children and youngsters, and especially politicians across the globe who now regard the act of lying and deception as a state craft.
- Pray for children and youngsters of the world.
- Pray for teens and young adults of the world.
- Pray for adults (men and women, workers and senior citizens.
- Pray for all parents the world over.
- Pray for a worldwide effective and God-centred parenting
- Pray for pregnant women, their safe delivery, including nursing mothers, babies still in the wombs for the fulfilment of God’s prophecy concerning all unborn babies – Jeremiah 1:5.
- Pray for kids the world over as they move from childhood into adolescent (teenage years) and young adults because these are the times of their lives that Satan takes delight in poaching them from their parents and commission them on errands for him, thus derail their destinies.
- Pray for single parents.
- Pray for all the singles of the world.
- Pray for the church of Jesus Christ in our time.
- Pray for unity and love in the global body of Christ.
- Pray for church leaders.
- Pray that the men and women of God entrusted with the gospel, including all the children of God will be ambassadors for Christ in all of their hallowed places of service, and that they will no longer live their lives according to “the pattern of this world” (Romans 12:2).
- Pray for the church of Jesus Christ to heed the Lord’s injunction to watch and pray (Matthew 25: 13, 26:41, 25).
- Pray for church workers.
- Pray that every Christian will establish an altar for the Lord in their homes – Genesis 12:6-8, Hebrews 11:8-10, 1 Chronicles 21:26. *Please note here that by “altar”, it is meant a place, first in your heart (mobile altar), then at home that all the members of your household will regularly gather/assemble to pray, praise, worship and petition the Lord, and not an altar in some O.T. sense.
- Pray that the church of Jesus Christ must retrace her steps and return to the true gospel (Matthew 6:33, Luke 15:11-32, Matthew 21:13).
- Pray against the cherry-picking, and pick and mix gospel that now pervades the global pulpits and evangelism.
- Pray that in these harvest times, evangelism works will be intensified and that the Lord will bless our efforts by sending through us, more and more labourers to the vineyard to help in the harvest (Matthew 9:35-38).
- Pray for worldwide revival, but do not fail to add that the revival should begin with you and your households, kith, and kin.
- Pray for the revival of Sunday Schools before actual church service, and in churches which have kept the tradition that these Sunday schools be strengthened.
- Pray for the persecuted Christians in the nations of the world.
- Pray that the peoples of the world in the nations will have the freedom to embrace a faith of their choice based on inner conviction and not be forced by their governments or persons/groups to choose any faith against their will and conviction.
- Pray that the peoples of the world will adopt as a principle the ideology of universal altruism and abide by the slogan: Respect your neighbour’s (fundamental) human rights as you would have them respect yours.
- Pray for world leaders
- Pray for new crop of dedicated and committed world leaders to emerge, especially dreamers, seers/prophets, visionaries, philosophers, compassionate, kind and large-hearted leaders with universal altruism, who will act as umbrellas for their diverse citizens and a rallying point, carrying all of them along, creating a sense of belonging for all of them, and creating an environment for peaceful co-existence and harmonious relationship, even development while aiming at building an egalitarian society (Matthew 14:13-21).
- Pray to stop the imminent water wars in and around the world due to selfishness and greed arising from global bad water (resources) management.
- Pray for all NGOs worldwide and other humanitarian workers
- Pray for the IDPs, all war victims across the globe, refugees and migrants
- Pray that God should touch the hearts of all warring parties in and around the world to end all the ongoing wars in some nations of the world – Syria, Yemen, Armenia vs. Azerbaijan, North East of Nigeria, Iraq’s just about to resume war – also, for God to remove all expansionists agenda in the 21st century from the hearts of men and women – and for nations to be good neighbours, loving one another, and not bad or warring neighbours, always fighting themselves in the manner of cats and dogs.
- Pray for the entire humanity to come together as one people – for unity, love in a divided world, especially these times that every nation on the planet earth is at daggers-drawn with one another, both within and without – divided and disunited religiously, ideologically, politically, educationally, culturally, philosophically, psychologically, sociologically, ethnically, professionally, class-wise, income group by income group, with their leaders resorting to using divide and rule/diversionary tactics in governing them, etc.
- Pray for the peace of the world.
- Pray for peace of mind for and hope for the elderly; the lonely, rough-sleepers; those passing through/undergoing divorce; the confused and the hopeless; all those who have lost their jobs to get new ones; those whose businesses have packed up due to C-19; patients in hospitals; the sick at home and in work/marketplaces; mental health patients – all the depressed and the downcast to receive healings and speedy recovery; casualties of the ongoing ravaging pandemic; victims of tyranny/dictatorship and oppression; all special needs people the world over; orphans; motherless and fatherless children; victims of the present global famine, drought, desertification, sand dunes, flooding/landslides/erosion of all types and other ecological/natural disasters; the military currently fighting wars in and around the world, including those of them undergoing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); those experiencing workplace harassments, be it sexual, racial (victims of racial prejudice/discrimination), etc.
- Pray for a world without wars where all the peoples of the world will live in peace and in harmony with one another.
- Pray for yourselves.
- Pray for others.
- Pray for opportunities for children and youngsters the world over.
- Pray for jobs for all the jobless and all those seeking career change.
- Pray for open doors for the message of the gospel to reach all, including the naturally (hard to reach) unreached persons/groups.
- Pray for efforts to be intensified in work/marketplace evangelism, for He comes quickly (Rev. 22:20-22, Isaiah 40:10). Maranatha! Maranatha! Maranatha!
- Pray for the singles of the world to get married when they are ready with all round readiness.
- Pray for the professionals and the business community.
- Pray for the global private sector.
- Pray for the eradication of poverty.
- Pray for the eradication of crimes/violence in nations of the world
- Pray against the pervasive spirit of rape in the nations of the world – and that women the world over will be protected, cherished, loved, respected and honoured.
- Pray for the young peoples of the world to keep off violence/crimes, drugs, gangs/cultism, etc.
- Pray for the global church and governments of the world to seek the Lord’s face concerning youth violence.
- Pray against the resurgence of racism, prejudices, Islamism/extremism, radicalization of young persons, hate, hate speeches in global community.
- Pray for love in human community.
- Pray that the wealthy the world over will see their wealth as a trust to be used to make a better society and world rather than wealth for greedy and selfish reasons or wealth just to show off for purposes of self-glorifications, personal aggrandizement, status conferral, accolades or wealth for wealth’s sake.
- Pray for a global economic reform that will benefit all humanity, especially the poor – the highly deprived and marginalised in the nations of the world – communalism to replace capitalism, a sort of be your brother’s/sister’s keeper world.
- Pray to push back/stop the impending pervasive global drought, locust invasions, hunger and famine of biblical proportion – and Nigeria/West Africa must seriously watch it and start the Joseph Food Programme JFP) – Genesis 41:48-49.
- Pray for the responsible use of the natural resources – both super jacent and subjacent.
- Pray for the containment of the seeming intractable desertification and sand dunes across the globe.
- Pray that in our relationship with the environment, care would be taken to use its resources wisely, learn to protect, and preserve/conserve the environment and all of its biotic contents in obedience to God’s charge to man thus: “multiply, fill the earth and replenish it”, whilst bearing in mind the already deleterious effects of our activities on it.
- Pray for God to contain the worldwide natural disasters that will henceforth be commonplace. What is worse, they will now be happening in intractable rapidity.
- Pray for the indigenous peoples of the world who now face existential threats on daily basis, 24/7 due to the activities of multi-national loggers – the ongoing deforestation in and around their abodes at geometrical rates, threatening to wipe them and their cultures out of existence; the deliberate setting on fire of the forests by politicians for short term economic gains, eventuating on the now endemic bush fires in and around the world; the mindless clearing of the rainforests of the Amazon and the African rainforests to plant palm trees, cashew and other economic trees, etc.
- Pray for the protection of the immigrants currently traversing the world for a better life, for their protection during these their arduous and uncertain journeys across the world fraught with all unimaginable dangers. Let us also pray for their home countries some of which are at war right now, or facing economic downturn, their families they have left behind, etc.
- Pray for prisoners the world over and the global prison ministries – for the prisoners to repent and receive salvation; for the ministries to have enough resources to reach all the prisoners with the gospel.
- Pray the Lord’s crisis-time prayer of “Peace be still” upon all the nations of the world currently experiencing restiveness, especially youth unrest and the subsequent eruptions.
- Pray for the de-nuclearization of the world.
- Pray for the UN – to reform to meet the needs of the 21st century and beyond; a stronger, more responsive and an all-inclusive UN.
- Pray for unity, solidarity, and international co-operation in the search for the right globally approved and efficacious vaccine/s that will end the current pandemic.
- Pray to usher in the New Year – and pray generally for your families and the nations as the Spirit directs/leads.
“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.” Proverbs 14:34.
These prayer points should serve ONLY as a guide as they do not in any way intend to be prescriptive, impositional and commanding for the body of Christ worldwide, including all the peoples of the world currently outside the fold.
What matters is for the peoples of the world to heed the advice, instructions, and the directives of the Holy Spirit during the World Fasting and Prayer Day (WFPD) and act accordingly.
The Day of Atonement/The Fasting Day
(Leviticus 16: 29-30, 23:27-31, Numbers 29:7)
The corona pandemic ravaging the whole world right now can appropriately be termed a time of great misery for all of humanity as well as being regarded as the world’s sorrow. What is more, it unarguably heralds the perilous times that the Lord talks about. And the heavens will be embarrassed, if as children of God, we remain perpetually helpless and in the face of every solution being sought by the politicians and the global scientific community, without doing anything by way of approaching it spiritually as the whole world awaits the right vaccine to be discovered for the cure of this much dreaded and very dreadful (disease) pandemic, but sit idly by under the current embarrassing helplessness.
Let us now, therefore, turn to Jehovah El-Rophecha, for He is our greatest Physician and anchor of hope in these perilous times. What is worse, children of God worldwide will be judged very harshly by the children of the future generations for failing to try the God’s method to defeat C-19, hence do-nothingness is sure not an option, especially refusing to set just one day aside to seek the Lord’s face concerning this ravaging pestilence.
Need I remind the global Christian community that in this one-day spiritual exercise to be henceforth marked and celebrated yearly, we have Jesus (Lk 4:2), Moses (Exodus 34:28, Deuteronomy 9:9), Elijah (1 Kings 19: 8), Esther (4:16) and the children of Israel as our best examples, and one day is not too much a sacrifice for the sakes of ourselves, households, our nations, our world planet and the only abode we have to call our own in the here, to intercede for the whole of mankind, even at a time like this.
- The Holy Father, Pope Francis, Bishop of Rome, Holy See.
- HRH Charles, Prince of Wales, Clarence House, London.
- Most Rev Justin Welby, The Archbishop of Canterbury, The Church of England, Lambeth Palace, London.
- Samson Olasupo Adeniyi Ayokunle, CAN, Nigeria.
- Dr. Felix Ilaweagbon Omobude, PFN President.
- World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), Deerfield, IL 60015, USA.
- Steve Sellers, Chairman, Campus Crusade for Christ International/Great Commission Movement, 100 Lake Hart Drive, Orlando, FL 32832.
- Dr Samuel Kanu-Uche, Prelateof Methodist Church, Nigeria
- Southern Baptist Convention, Augusta, Georgia, USA.
- God TV Network, UK
- Premier Christian Radio, UK
- Primate Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba, Church of Nigeria, Abuja.
- R.T. Kendall, Founder RT Kendall Ministries, UK.
- Reverend Uma Ukpai, Uma Ukpai Evangelistic Association, Uyo, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria.
- W.F. Kumuyi, General Superintendent, Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Lagos, Nigeria.
- E.A. Adeboye, General Overseer, The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Lagos, Nigeria.
- Thabo Cecil Makgoba, South African Archbishop of Cape Town.
- David Jeremiah, Pastor, Shadow Mountain Community Church, El Cajon, California.
- Michael Youssef, Senior Pastor, The Church of the Apostles, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
- Bishop T.D. Jakes, Founder, The Potter’s House, Dallas, Texas, USA.
- Angus Buchan, Founder Shalom Ministries, South Africa.
- Joshua Dara, Founder Joy Dara Ministries.
- Dipo Oluyomi, Open/Door – KICC, United Kingdom.
Your co-labourer in His Vineyard
- Jehovah-Nissi – the Lord, our Banner (Exodus 17:15).
- Yahweh-Rapha…“The Lord Who Heals”, Exodus 15: 26.
- Jehovah El-Rophecha/Roph’ekha/Rapha: I am the God that healeth thee (Exodus 15:26, Psalm 103: 2-3).
Brother Aduma gave up atheism on June 24, 1984 when he gave his life to Christ at the New Estate Baptist Church, Surulere, Lagos in Nigeria, where he served as a Child Evangelist in the Church’s Children Department. Since his conversion he has remained unapologetically committed and devoted to the Lord and he sees himself as eternally sold to Christ.
As a writer, he has continued to reflect his prophetic giftings in all his writings.
Dissatisfied with the current cherry-picking, and pick and mix gospel of mammon, Brother Aduma has been leading the global campaign for the return to the true gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 6:33), including the campaign to replace the current capitalism without human face with communalism – be your brother-sister’s keeper (neighbourhoodism - Acts 4:32) , and caring for the “…least of these brothers and sisters of mine” (Matt. 25:40).”
John Odey Aduma, British Chevening Scholar, Author of The Diamonds Are Here and a renowned environmental journalist was born on December 13, 1963 at Okpoma, Yala in Ogoja, Cross River State of Nigeria. He was educated variously at Christ the King’s School, Okpoma, 1969-1970; St. Mel’s Primary School, Woleche-Ebo, 1971; St. Gabriel’s Primary School, Ebo-Ipuole, 1972-1974; Christian Vocational Commercial School, Okuku, Ogoja, 1975; Faith Institute of Stenography, Shogunle, Lagos, 1976; Aladura Comprehensive High School, Anthony Village, Lagos, 1977-1982; University of Ibadan, Department of Adult Education, 1983-1984; Obafemi Awolowo University, 1985-1989, where he graduated with a B.A. (Hons) in English Studies; University of Lagos, 1991-1992, where he worked for and obtained an M.A. in English; and at the Nigerian Institute of Journalism, Lagos, 1994, where he took a Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism; City University, London, United Kingdom, 2003 - 2004, where he was a British Chevening Scholar and studied for his M.A. in International Journalism with specialism in Environment; City Business College, London, 2005-2006 for a Post Graduate Diploma in Management Studies, but completed only the taught course; Voice Coaching, CSV Media, London, 2006; Radio Production, CSV Media, London, 2006 and the City and Guilds Certificate in Conflict Management, 2006; Specialist Diploma in Teaching English: Literacy and ESOL, Level 5; Certificate in Education and Training (CET), Level 4 and an Award in Education and Training (AET), Level 3, CONEL, London.
Besides, he has attended many training courses in Planning, Writing and Production Skills on Communicating for the Environment.
He was the winner of the Nigerian Media Merit Award for Investigative Reporter of the Year and the Diamond Awards for Media Excellence, Reporter of the Year, both in 1992. He also received a Community Service Award in 1997 and the Outstanding Staff Award of the Daily Times of Nigeria Plc in the year 2001.
In 1994, he edited Lord Rumens, a book on a prominent Nigerian business tycoon and Lawn Tennis icon, Chief Ajisomo Alabi. He was a member of the Green Environment Movement, and the Nigerian Field Society, and was on the Core Committee of the National Technology Summit, and served as the Summit’s Publicity Chairman, including being the Chairman, of the Products and Exhibition sub-Committee.
Other national and important committees on which Aduma has also served or headed included the National Planning Committee, Youth Development, Federal Ministry of Education and Youth Development, 1993; Core Committee, the Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF)/Ford Foundation, Kano Eastern Bypass Roadside Tree Planting Exercise, 1997; the National Steel Committee, representing the foundry sub-sector, 2000; Chairman, Planning Committee, Alhaji Babatunde Jose’s 75th Birth Day, 2000, (Dr. Jose was a doyen of Nigerian journalism and was the first African Editor, Managing Director and Chairman of the Daily Times of Nigeria Plc); Chairman, Planning Committee of the 7th and 8th General Murtala Muhammed’s Memorial Lecture (the late Nigerian Head of State), 2001 and 2002; Chairman, Planning Committee of the Daily Times of Nigeria Plc’s 75th Anniversary, 2001 including sitting on many national techno-industrial committees (too numerous to mention here) in his capacity then as Executive Secretary, Foundry Association of Nigeria.
Aduma, Communications/Environmental Consultant, Critic, Poet, Essayist, and Columnist, was formerly Staff Reporter, The Guardian (flagship of the Nigerian media) 1990-1993; Consultant/Chairman, Media, Green Environment Movement, Nigeria, 1990-2003; Senior Correspondent, The Independent Weekly, (1993-1994); Head, Environment and Property Desk, The Punch (1994-1997); Editorial Consultant and Contributing Editor, the Nigerian Conservation Foundation’s Tortoise Magazine, 1995; Contributing Editor, Pole Star Magazine (1998); Member, Editorial Board of The Nigerian Conservationist Magazine (1995-2000), Executive Secretary, Foundry Association of Nigeria, (1997-2000), Public Affairs Manager and Southern Coordinator (Lagos Office), The Pastoral Resolve, 2000, (a pastoralists NGO) headed by one of Nigeria’s former Head of State), Major General Muhammadu Buhari, now President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; and Chairman, Editorial Board of the Daily Times of Nigeria Plc (2000-2003).
Mr Aduma was one of the twelve eminent Nigerians appointed by former President Olusegun Obasanjo (GCFR) of Nigeria into the Administrative Panel of Inquiry, also known variously as Presidential Panel, Commission of Inquiry, respectively to investigate the illegal trade in and smuggling of Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora into and out of Nigeria in 2003.
In year 2003, he attended the Chevening Leadership Programme, (sponsored by the British Council and Shell) at the elite Lagos Business School (the Pan-African University) in Nigeria and thereafter, proceeded to the United Kingdom as a British Chevening Scholar to study International Journalism at City University, London, where he worked for and obtained an MA in International Journalism with specialism in Environment.
Mr Aduma has also been involved in the Professional Post Graduate Mentoring Scheme of City, University of London since 2013, and is currently a doctoral researcher at SOAS, University of London.
His new book is expected to be released and presented to the global public soon.
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