Vigilance has learnt that following ICTS participation at the successful UKTI (UK Trade & Investment) Mission last September at INDESEC, New Delhi, spearheaded by Shaike Rozanski , Managing Director of ICTS (UK) Ltd and Alan Dutt, Operations Manager (Europe), ICTS was invited to attend a one - day Meet the Buyer India / USA Event in January at the Emirates Stadium, London.
Attending the Emirates event was Alan Dutt accompanied by Guy Doron, ICTS Europe Systems. The event was opened by Lord Stephen Green, the newly appointed UKTI Minister for Trade & Investment.
Alan Dutt remarked: “As the leading service provider, ICTS has a broad range of pioneering technology security solutions in aviation, immigration, training, assessment, security management, canine services and maritime security for the protection of supply chain networks and it is this integrated security message for which we are increasingly being recognised. The UKTI one to one opportunities to meet key buyers are invaluable and provide a foundation for future business and an opportunity to build on existing relationships.”
UKTI South East International Trade Adviser and Security sector specialist John Gordon added "The event is designed to drive opportunities for UK SMEs and help them cross the business threshold in key markets.
It is very much not a one‐off occasion, but part of an ongoing programme of business development support that began with separate ‘Meet the Buyer’ events for India and the USA , incorporated with outward trade missions to both countries last year, designed to help SMEs take advantage of fully researched and validated opportunities. We believe this continuity is vital to help companies forge profitable long‐term business relationships."