Venafi Encryption Director 6 Platform allows Global 2000 Enterprises to eliminate unquantified and unmanaged risk, improves security and compliance, and increases system availability
Venafi, the inventor of and market leader in Enterprise Key and Certificate Management (EKCM) solutions, yesterday unveiled Venafi Encryption Director 6 (Director 6). Director 6 provides out-of-the box automated management capabilities for the widest range of digital certificate and encryption key technologies used by today’s enterprises, including symmetric keys, SSH keys, asymmetric keys and digital certificates. Recognized by Gartner as a “Cool Vendor,” Venafi provides the only platform that allows organizations to automate discovery, monitoring, validation, management and security of the most commonly used encryption assets. Designed specifically for the enterprise, Director 6 provides interoperability across heterogeneous environments, rapid scalability, and orchestration capabilities that improve security and compliance and increase critical system uptime. In addition to the already-available Certificate Manager™ product, the SSH Key Manager™ and Symmetric Key Manager™ products are being added to the Director 6 platform as separate offerings.
With over eight years experience delivering best-of-breed encryption management solutions to the world’s largest organizations in financial services, insurance, high tech, telecommunications, aerospace, healthcare, retail and other industries, Venafi delivers a true enterprise platform with management functionality that spans organizations’ diverse infrastructures, independent of the managed encryption asset or the complexity and size of the environment. Director 6 is a third-generation architecture that enables easy-to-deploy interoperability, scalability and orchestration across multiple encryption types, operating environments, certificate authorities (CAs), HSMs, applications, directories and other enterprise systems.
“Security, privacy and compliance are driving organizations to deploy encryption technologies at an almost hyper-aggressive pace. Unfortunately, encryption assets can turn into liabilities if managed improperly. One expired certificate can shut down critical systems, and one compromised key can open the gates to sensitive information and compliance violations,” said Richard Stiennon, noted author, speaker and principal analyst at IT Harvest. “Security and compliance initiatives are only going to be as effective as the people managing them, and those managers need to be equipped with powerful tools that allow them to do their jobs. Organizations that rely on encryption keys and digital certificates need to deploy solutions that will allow them to retain control over the thousands of keys and certificates deployed.”
“Venafi is recognized by our customers as the only security vendor that can fully automate EKCM processes and scale to their requirements,” said Jeff Hudson, CEO of Venafi. “Our innovative technology platform gives organizations the ability to solve the rapidly expanding encryption key and certificate security management problem, which has been highlighted by recent sophisticated attacks and breaches like the WikiLeaks and Stuxnet incidents. In addition, we enable our customers to achieve compliance with new regulations and standards. Recent studies show that key and certificate inventories are growing every year by more than 70 percent, and that 85 percent of those organizations surveyed admit to inadequate management of these critical security assets. Director 6 provides advanced management, access control and automation capabilities that significantly reduce the unquantified and unmanaged risk.”