“To: Guilable stupid Westerners:
Saudi Arabia’s $100 billion investment over the last 3 decades on over 60 thousands Madrassas all over the world is finally now paying off.
While the West was busy inventing medicine, decoding human gene to find cure for cancer etc., launching spece shuttle, inventing internet, working on new laws/theory for human rights, developing new economical models for a more prosperious world, while ACLU went out of control, we Muslims were busy producing over 200 million suicidal muslim robots in tens of thousands of Islamic Madrassas all over the world. Now we are ready. It is too late for you now. You can’t win. Genni is out of the bottle.
Islam will rule the world.
You can save your nukes to decoreate your curio cabinets. We got you by the balls. Europe is shakeing, Mr. Bush is pissing in his pant. Islam is coming to rule the US. We got UN in our pocket.” (Quote from http://swordoftruth.com. Site visited 9th December, 2003).
***Anyone thinking of cutting police and security services votes should read the above quote a million times.
The Cam-Clegg coalition Government since coming to power on May 12, 2010 has been behaving as if they are cut-drunk. They are acting like a moving train which will not spare any foreign object on its tract. Cutting is cutting as far as they are concerned, so long as it can save the nation some quid.
Let us stress here loud and clear that we are not against cutting per se; nor are we against prudence and accountability in governance. But we are against a form of cutting which makes the coalition Government seems like a logger who enters the tropical forest and cuts down every exotic tree without taking into consideration the special nature of some trees in the economic equation of the nation, their overall benefits to the ecosystem and the future of mankind.
Another apt analogy that can be drawn from the axe men’s cutting extravaganza is that of a man who rode on the back of his lion and headed straight to a village in which he perceived his enemies abounded, visiting their homes one after the other with the lion making a mincemeat of them. The man and his lion killed all his enemies, but not done, he instructed the lion to eat up the whole village, and the lion having accomplished his satanic mission and with no one to devour in the village as all had been wiped off by him, excepting his master, he then turned on his owner and ate him up!
Let us pray: May this not be the lot of those in the current glee of cutiasis or cut syndrome.
Although Vigilance is in support of cutting to restore order and fiscal discipline in our economic system, we are however opposed to cutting without common sense as the coalition Government is currently doing. We are against cutting for its own sake; we are against cutting to spite the opposition party in order to undo their works of the 13 years they held sway in Government.
We are worried that in the euphoria of cuttings, the coalition Government has thrown common sense overboard without thinking of the inevitable consequences of their actions – short term and long term. We foresee a rebound phenomenon in this cutting orgy at this time.
The coalition Government appears to be running after Noah’s Ark, hence they want to do all of the cuttings they think there are, all at once! But we warn that what they are sowing right now will grow up and bear evil fruits, these fruits, they, no doubt will be the first to reap.
We had thought that as they timidly trumpeted cutting during their electioneering campaign, on assuming office, they would sit down and do their home work as to the sectors that cutting is inevitable for the present time; we had thought they would sit down to count the cost before setting out on the cutting spree; we had thought cutting would be debated by the entire Parliament and the general public as to the areas that would invite the axe men’s axes and the sectors that need to be spared the axe men’s axes. What is more, we had thought it would be a guided and a phased cutting. We never for once by our projection thought the cutting would be done with such a lightning haste – all at once.
In all of these cuttings, there is none we fear for the Government, the nation as a whole and its future than the planned police/security cut of 25%, the NHS and education. But because we are a security magazine we shall dwell more on security, but let Con-Dem not forget that the health of a nation is its own wealth; let Con-Dem not forget that a Government that fails to invest in education, is already investing in ignorance, but let them also be told that nothing kills a nation like ignorance; nothing kills a people like ignorance; nothing kills the youth like ignorance and far more dreadful, nothing kills the future like ignorance.
When a government closes schools with caring a hoot, the message it’s sending out is, education doesn’t matter. Such a Government is saying to its youngsters, “Go to the streets.” When a Government says to its youngsters, “Go to the streets, it’s closing the future, when a Government closes the future, it’s saying to posterity, “Don’t come, for there are no rooms for you in our nation.” And a nation without a future is dead...this woe will be chronicled in a book yet to be written: THE DEATH OF A NATION. Because of how seriously we feel about cutting education budget and closing down schools, we would like to warn again that a nation that fails to invest sufficiently in education, is sufficiently already investing in ignorance.
It is quite absurd that while we are spending billions of pounds to keep the terrorists running in the desert, thereby making Iraq and Afghanistan safe, Con-Dem thinks we should relax at home. This is what cutting security budget means. But if we keep the terrorists running in the desert and starve our officers of funds back at home, the terrorists will come hiding on British soil and the soils of other Western nations and build more cells in order to groom more terrorists in Western nations as is the goal of intifada phase two.
It is saddening to think that while the previous Government realised the threats posed by terrorists in the wake of the 9/11 and the 7/7 terror attacks and increased funding for the police and security services to £341 million in 2005 and more than £1 billion last year, Cam-Clegg think saving £150 million from counter-terrorism budgets is the right thing to do at this time when the threat level is still severe. What a bad way to cut cost! How else can a Government be soft on crime?
While the Cam-Cleggian syndrome lasts, would, someone will listen to Alan Johnson, former Home Secretary: “We will all be in greater peril if we cut back on the ability of the police and other agencies to defend this country from terrorists.”
Cutting funding for the police and other security services is an indication of the general ignorance of the coalition Government about the global mission of terrorists, in particular, Al-qaeda. Terrorists are not taking on Western nations because the Allied Forces are in Iraq and Afghanistan. And we yet cannot sadly and cheaply explain away terrorist activities as a clash of civilization, thinking at the exit of the Allied Forces from Iraq and Afghanistan, Al-qaeda and other terrorist groups will sheathe their swords. Anyone reasoning thus is simply being naive, for terrorism operates at ideological, religious, cultural and political levels with the overall objective of islamising the world as the introductory quote shows.
It appears to us that the coalition’s crystal ball is so blurred it cannot read for them the inevitable consequences of recession with respect to rising crime level; the recent arguably report of a fall in crime notwithstanding. It is common sense that recession does bring in its wake rising crime level. And what is more, when a Government is soft on crime, what do you expect? When a Government intentionally weakens the performance level of the police and other security services by starving them of funds, what are the inevitable consequences of such ill-thought cuttings?
We have to spend more now to deter terrorists from rooting in our soil and other lands, or terrorists will spend more do maximum damage to Britain and the world. A word is enough for the wise.