Friday, 19 April 2024



Advance Security





Security and surveillance

Job type

Full time

Education Level

Professional qualification/accreditation


7.00 - 7.20 per hour

Job reference code


Contact information

0845 121 4016

Advance Security

Distribution Security Officer

Job description

We are currently seeking a security officer to cover our distribution site based in the Greenford area. The post holder will be responsible for maintaining a professional standard of security on all sites on which they are assigned.


Key Responsibilities:-

Access & Egress control

Random staff searches

Patrols of the inside and the outside of premises

CCTV monitoring

Gatehouse & Reception duties


Person Specification:-

Excellent communication & Administration skills

Must be punctual and have the ability to think on their feet.

Experience working on distribution sites is essential.

Appropriate SIA License either Security Guarding (frontline) or Door Supervision (frontline) is essential.

You must be able to provide a full checkable 5 year work/ school history.


Terms & Conditions:-

Working pattern includes days, nights and weekends. 12 hour shifts for distribution, average 52 hours per week.

Or, tell us why you don't wish to apply for this job.

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Scorpion News Corp

Nigeria Watch International

To expose official corruption in Nigeria, re-orientate the psyche of Nigerians and usher in the Nigerian renaissance

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About Vigilance

Vigilance is the brain child of a group of veteran journalists and international scholars who have worked in the mainstream media and distinguished themselves nationally and internationally before veering into security practice.

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